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Troubleshooting guide

This article contains various suggestions and tips to help troubleshoot setup and connectivity issues. If you have additional issues, contact support.

I can't send/receive pings from Windows or macOS

Windows generally has aggressive firewall rules set up, even for ICMP (ping) traffic (both incoming and outgoing). Be sure that you've enabled your Windows machines to be able to both send and receive ICMP traffic.

A faster, but riskier approach to test this is to (temporarily) disable the Windows firewalls to see if it makes any impact.

Similarly, macOS' "stealth mode" will prevent macOS from responding to pings. This can be enabled/disabled in your Mac's Security & Privacy settings.

Refer to this issue for updates on improving related notifications and user experience.

My macOS client gets stuck at Loading backend...

Do you have Screen Time enabled? Follow the instructions to disable it.

Do you have a virus scanner (or other form of endpoint security) such as ESET installed? In some cases we've found that security measures interfere with Tailscale's operation.

My firewall blocks everything by default. Which ports do I need to open?

Refer to this article.

Two of my devices have the same 100.x IP address

This can occur if you use a backup of one machine to create another, or clone a filesystem from one machine to another. The Tailscale configuration files are duplicated. The Tailscale files will need to be removed from one of the two.

You can identify duplicated devices in the admin console by looking for a "Duplicate node key" badge underneath the device name.

On one of the systems, uninstall and completely delete the Tailscale app. It is especially important to remove the files listed for your platform, the goal is to make a new Tailscale IP address when it is installed again.

Then, reinstall the app.

I have managed to set up Tailscale on my Mac and iPhone. How do I access my Mac's files from my iPhone?

  1. Open the Files app on your iPhone.
  2. Go to the Browse tab.
  3. Tap the ... in the top right.
  4. Tap Connect to Server and enter your Mac's Tailscale IP address.

At this point, any folders shared by your Mac (via SMB) are browseable.

How do I know if my traffic is being routed through DERP?

More in depth information is provided to troubleshoot direct and relayed connections. Use the Tailscale CLI to run the tailscale status command. If you see output in the form of relay "code", then your traffic is being routed via a relay server that has "code" as its location. For example, the second line in this tailscale status output indicates traffic is being routed through the "sea" (Seattle) relay server: node1 linux active; direct; tx 1000 rx 1000 node2 linux active; relay "sea", tx 1000 rx 1000

If there is no relay "code" line in the tailscale status output, then your traffic is not being routed through DERP.

Also, the tailscale ping command will indicate whether a successful ping was by direct path or via DERP. tailscale ping will keep trying until it either sends 10 pings (the default if not using the --c flag) through the relays, or finds a direct path. For example, if the first five pings were relayed and the sixth ping was a direct path, tailscale ping will stop. This tailscale ping node2 example indicates the node was reached via the "sea" relay on the first ping, and via direct path on the second ping, at which time tailscale ping stopped.

tailscale ping node2

pong from node2 ( via DERP(sea) in 242ms
pong from node2 ( via in 127ms

Can I route all of my traffic through a default route?

Yes! On Tailscale, you can define an exit node, which automatically configures default routes on your behalf.

If you want to force your traffic through a particular IP (to handle an IP blocklist — a.k.a. an IP allowlist) you can also route only a subset of your traffic using subnets. See the article on connecting to external services with IP blocklists via Tailscale for more details.

Why do I get an error about IP forwarding when using advertise-routes?

Tailscale's routing features (subnet routers and exit nodes) require IP forwarding to be enabled. If it is not enabled, you may see an error when using --advertise-routes or --advertise-exit-node.

To learn how to do this for your Linux device, see how to enable IP forwarding.

How can I see the IP routes Tailscale installs?

As of v0.99 Tailscale routes moved into a separate routing table (to prevent routing loops in subnet routers), which the legacy netstat tool doesn't display.

To see routes installed by Tailscale use ip route instead

ip route show table 52

How can I disable subnet route masquerading?

You can disable subnet route masquerading with

tailscale up --snat-subnet-routes=false

Note that SNAT allows transparent communication to the rest of the network by re-writing the source IP address to that of the subnet router. If you disable subnet route masquerading, NAT traffic to local routes that are advertised with --advertise-routes will need to have routing manually configured.

How do I deploy Tailscale to a large fleet of devices?

You'll want to use Tailscale's pre-authenticated keys feature, which let you authenticate devices by key rather than in-browser.

As an admin, you can create keys in the admin console once you're logged in.

I set up --advertise-routes= for AWS access, and now Google doesn't work

Only part of the range is private, the rest is public address space and Google has IP addresses in that range for some of its datacenters.

You can safely advertise the range instead:

tailscale up --advertise-routes=

I use the Tally ERP software package, which says "Unable to access the configured Tally Gateway Server" when Tailscale is active

Tally appears to bind to interfaces in a way which conflicts with VPN software like Tailscale. If the license server is running on the local PC, changing the Tally configuration via the UI or by editing Tally.ini to use "" as the license server instead of using the PC hostname allows it to work.

Updated Windows machine stops connecting to Tailscale

As part of some Windows 10 and Windows 11 updates, the SYSTEM user’s %LocalAppData%, usually at C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local, is wiped. This directory is where Tailscale 1.14.3 and earlier stored its internal state.

If you upgraded your Windows machine and lost connectivity to Tailscale, you can either:

  1. (Recommended) Remove the old machine using the admin console, and then re-login to Tailscale from the affected Windows device. This needs both a Tailscale admin and someone with access to the device to take action.
    • Open the Machines page of the admin console. Find the row corresponding to the machine that is affected. Select the ellipsis icon menu at the far right and select the Remove option. This will remove the machine from your tailnet.
    • Upgrade the affected Windows device to Tailscale v1.14.4 or later.
    • The affected Windows device should now prompt you to log in again to rejoin your tailnet. If device approval is enabled, the device will need to be re-approved.
    • With this option, the machine will retain the same name, but have a new IP address.
  2. Remove the remaining Tailscale state files from the Windows device, and then re-login to Tailscale. This does not require an admin to take action, unless device approval is enabled.
    • For the affected machine, remove all files in the %LocalAppData%\Tailscale directory. To do this, you can open cmd.exe and run
      rmdir /s %LocalAppData%\Tailscale\
    • Upgrade the affected Windows device to Tailscale v1.14.4 or later.
    • Re-login to Tailscale on the device. If device approval is enabled, the device will need to be re-approved by an administrator.
    • With this option, the machine will be assigned a new name (for example, old-name-1), and have a new IP address. The machine’s old name will still be listed in the admin console until it is removed. At that time, the admin can rename the new device to the old name.

To avoid this issue in the future, upgrade Windows machines to 1.14.4 or later prior to performing a Windows update.

Running Tailscale on older versions of Windows

The current version of the Tailscale client available for download requires Windows 10 or later.

Unable to log in to Windows Remote Desktop (RDP)

If you log in to Windows locally using a PIN (Windows Hello) you may find you're unable to log in over Remote Desktop (RDP). Windows requires traditional account passwords for RDP connections.

If you do not have an account password, for example, Windows 11 defaults to using a PIN (Windows Hello), you will want to change your sign-in options and enable password authentication. You can find more information from the Microsoft Support article Windows sign-in options and account protection.

My mobile device's battery drains too quickly

Unfortunately, this is a known issue, particularly where a device is using an exit node for all traffic. This is because all traffic, including background traffic, from the mobile device will go through the exit node.

If possible, use Tailscale without an exit node.

Unable to make a TCP connection between two nodes

If your nodes are visible in the admin console, and there is no access rule blocking connections between the nodes, check the level of connectivity with Tailscale's three types of ping:

  • ping 100.x.x.x tells the OS to send an ICMP ping across the tailnet
  • tailscale ping 100.x.x.x tests whether the two tailscaled processes can communicate at all, and how (direct, or relayed)
  • tailscale ping --tsmp 100.x.x.x sends a packet that goes one level further than tailscale ping, also going through the WireGuard level, but doesn't involve the host's networking stack

Packet size limits can also cause connection problems on certain types of networks.

Tailscale uses a MTU of 1280. If there are other interfaces which might send a packets larger than this, those packets might get dropped silently. These can be verified by using tcpdump.

In order to solve this, we can set the MTU at the LAN level to a lower value, or use MSS (Maxiumum Segment Size) clamping.

Unable to connect to internal services with DNS errors

If you are using DNS names to access internal services and some people have difficulty connecting to those services, the problem may be caused by DNS Rebinding Protection.

How to handle CGNAT conflicts

Tailscale assigns each node on your network a unique 100.x.y.z address. This is called the "Carrier Grade NAT" (CGNAT) address space, reserved by RFC6598, IANA-Reserved IPv4 Prefix for Shared Address Space. CGNAT conflicts can arise, for example, if your ISP also uses the subnet (from to

If you are experiencing CGNAT conflicts, you can disable IPv4 on your tailnet. This will cause Tailscale to use IPv6 only. To do this, add the following to your tailnet's ACLs in the admin console.

    "DisableIPv4": true

Be aware that disabling IPv4 will prevent you from accessing IPv4-only resources on your network. For example, IPv4-only exit-nodes will not be accessible.

How to prioritize LAN traffic with overlapping subnet routes

You may have a LAN subnet that contains a mix of both Tailscale nodes, and non-Tailscale nodes that all must accept routes in order to communicate with a second subnet. In this condition routing can become asymmetric leading to new configuration challenges. In order to work around this challenge, there are different solutions depending on the operating system of the affected node.

Using the solutions described below on non-fixed network interfaces, such as Wi-Fi on a laptop could lead to a situation where the node sends traffic to a public LAN network that was intended for the Tailscale network. We recommend that these solutions only be used where the network configurations of the subnets and nodes that access them are well known and fixed.

Windows & macOS

On both Windows and macOS, routes are accepted by default. The operating system will prioritize routes with the longest prefix match, or in other words the most specific of all configured routes. A solution for overlapping subnet routers is therefore to adjust the Tailscale advertised route to be less specific than the LAN subnets that you wish to avoid routing conflicts with. If for example, you have a LAN subnet of and you wish to avoid routing traffic to that subnet through Tailscale when nodes are on this LAN segment, you can configure the subnet router to advertise a route of


On Linux, the --accept-routes flag must be passed explicitly to tailscale up in order to accept subnet routes from other nodes on the tailnet. Tailscale on Linux uses a routing feature known as policy routing that introduces an additional layer of prioritization to routing.

Tailscale uses ip rules in the priority range of 5200 to 5500 to prioritize routes, at this time 5210, 5230, 5250 and 5270.

On OpenWRT systems detected as running mwan3, Tailscale rules are installed at a lower priority for compatibility reasons. On such systems, ip rules are installed with priorities ranging 1300-1400 instead of 5200-5300.

Install a rule ahead of the Tailscale rules that uses lookup to jump over them:

ip rule add to priority 2500 lookup main

The above command installs a rule that matches traffic destined for in a rule with priority 2500 (a higher priority than the Tailscale rules). When matched, the rule jumps to the main routing table, which is the default routing table. This rule will therefore take precedence over the Tailscale rules, and use the regular LAN routes in the main routing table.

Note that this change is not persistent, and will need to be applied on boot. systemd-networkd users may look to the RoutingPolicyRule configuration option in The configuration can also be applied in a "oneshot" service as described in systemd.service(5).

Interoperability with other software

Tailscale tries to cooperate and run alongside other software on your machine, but sometimes that's not possible. Some operating systems impose limitations on how many VPN-type programs can run at once or register with certain OS-level facilities, and sometimes other software accidentally or by design breaks Tailscale.

When debugging issues where Tailscale doesn't work, we generally start by trying to identify how your machine or network is different and what other software you're running on the machine that's apparently conflicting.

Are you running...?

Are you running any other networking, VPN, endpoint security, antivirus, virtualization or other security software?

Any security proxy on the network/router?

A non-exhaustive list of other software that may or may not cause problems, depending on OS/versions/configs:

  • Apple Private Relay
  • Apple Screen Time (or any other macOS content filters)
  • Avast
  • Clash, ClashX, Clash Pro X
  • Cloudflare Warp
  • CrowdStrike Falcon
  • Docker Desktop
  • FortiClient
  • GlobalProtect VPN
  • Little Snitch
  • McAfee LiveSafe
  • Mullvad
  • Netskope
  • PIA
  • TunnelBear
  • Tunnelblick
  • VMWare Carbon Black
  • Webroot
  • WireGuard
  • VirtualBox
  • VMWare
  • WSL
  • ZeroTier

Let us know if you're running one of those, or similar programs. On some operating systems Tailscale is not even able to detect the presence of those programs due to sandboxing.

If you let us know what you're running we may be able to advise you on how to configure things to work.

Note that if your computer was supplied by your employer, it's very likely not "just a stock macOS install" or "just a stock Windows machine" and it's quite likely to be running other software.

Why can't I use Tailscale with my network service provider Sunrise Communications?

It appears that Sunrise Communications is blocking the Tailscale service.

Specifically, Tailscale has been (incorrectly) flagged by Sunrise's Surf Protect as a potentially malicious application.

To be able to use Tailscale, you'll need to work with Sunrise support:

  • Find your Sunrise site ID.
  • Contact Sunrise support at Sunrise support, and ask that * and * be added to the exclusion list for your Surf Protect subscription. Alternately if desired, you could remove Surf Protect from your account.

Can I use Tailscale with SoraCOM?

Tailscale can work on SoraCOM but not with the ISP's DNS servers. We recommend enabling the Override local DNS toggle on the DNS page of the admin console.

A screenshot of the local DNS override toggle

I can't connect to a subnet router in a cloud environment

The most common issue in AWS, Azure Cloud, and GCP that we've seen is a security group being too restrictive, and blocking connections. For troubleshooting purposes, try setting the internal security group to allow all traffic on the subnet, and the security group on the subnet router itself to allow all traffic to see if that unblocks connections.

Can I examine network traffic inside the encrypted tunnel?

It is sometimes useful to be able to see the unencrypted packets inside the WireGuard tunnel using tools like Wireshark. This can only be done from one of the nodes at the endpoints of the tunnel, packets captured in flight from the network can not be decrypted.

From the nodes at the endpoints of the tunnel there are several ways to accomplish this:

  1. tailscale debug capture -o /path/to/capture.pcap
  2. Run Wireshark on the tun device (does not work in userspace-networking mode).

With tailscale debug capture the -o /path/to/capture.pcap argument specifies the name of a file to write packets to. If omitted, Tailscale will attempt to start Wireshark locally for a live capture. These pcap files are captured with a header of metadata about the tailnet. To view them in Wireshark one must install a Lua dissector.

To capture from a Tun device one starts Wireshark and has it capture from:

  1. tailscale0 for Linux and Windows systems
  2. utun# on macOS, where the number can vary. Wireshark will show a list of interfaces, and one of the utun interfaces should show some traffic.

Wireshark 3.65 or later support capturing Wireshark frames from TUN devices.