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Tailscale client metrics

You can expose and collect Tailscale client metrics for use with monitoring systems such as Prometheus or Grafana for your Tailscale network (known as a tailnet). These metrics provide insights into client behavior, health, and performance. For example, you can view information about client connectivity to subnet routers configured in your tailnet.

Tailscale client metrics are supported in Tailscale v1.78.0 and later.

Available metrics

The following metrics can be collected from the Tailscale clients in your tailnet:

Subnet router

Use the metrics in this section to collect Tailscale client information related to subnet routes.


  • The metric type is gauge.
  • Displays the number of routes advertised by the client.
  • Includes routes that are not approved.
  • Does not include exit nodes.


  • The metric type is gauge.
  • Displays number of advertised routes that have been approved by an administrator.


Use the metrics in this section to collect Tailscale client information related to health.


  • The metric type is gauge.
  • Displays the number of health messages currently reported by the Tailscale client.
  • This metric has a type label, reporting health message type. For example, warning.

More details about the health messages can be found by running tailscale status.


Use the metrics in this section to collect Tailscale client information related to throughput.


  • The metric type is counter.
  • Displays the number of packets received by the node from other peers.


  • The metric type is counter.
  • Displays the number of bytes received by the node from other peers.


  • The metric type is counter.
  • Displays the number of packets sent by the device to other peers.


  • The metric type is counter.
  • Displays the number of bytes sent by the node to other peers.

All throughput metrics contain a path label, indicating the type of connection that a packet took. The path label can contain one of the following values:

  • direct_ipv4: Packets sent or received directly over IPv4.
  • direct_ipv6: Packets sent or received directly over IPv6.
  • derp: Packets sent or received through a DERP relay.

Dropped packets

Use the metrics in this section to collect Tailscale client information related to dropped packets.


  • The metric type is counter.
  • Displays the number of packets dropped after being received from other peers.


  • The metric type is counter.
  • Displays the number of packets dropped while being sent to other peers.

Both the tailscaled_inbound_dropped_packets_total and tailscaled_outbound_dropped_packets_total metrics contain a reason label with one of the following values:

  • acl: The reported packets dropped by Tailscale access control.
  • multicast: The reported packets dropped because they were multicast.
  • link_local_unicast: The reported packets dropped because they were link-local unicast.
  • too_short: The reported packets dropped because they were too short.
  • fragment: The reported packets dropped because they were IP fragments.
  • unknown_protocol: The reported packets dropped because they had an unknown protocol.
  • error: The reported packets dropped because of an error.

Collect metrics

Tailscale metrics can be collected either from the Tailscale web interface or the Tailscale CLI.

Web interface

The Tailscale web interface exposes client metrics on the conventional /metrics path.

Access metrics locally

Each client exposes metrics locally through the URL. You can use this URL when the monitoring server (or agent) is running on the same host as the Tailscale client.

Collect metrics over Tailscale

To collect metrics over your tailnet, you must do the following:

We recommend using this method when your monitoring server is running on another machine on your Tailscale network.

Expose metrics to other networks

You can make the web interface available through another network interface on your machine by running the tailscale web command. For example, if you have a local interface with an IP address, running tailscale web --readonly --listen will make metrics accessible at

The tailscale web --readonly command starts a separate server that listens only on the provided IP address and port number, and will not expose metrics over a Tailscale IP.

Command line

To use metrics in a script or to inspect them in the Tailscale CLI command:

tailscale metrics print

Write metrics to a file

You can use the tailscale metrics write command to write metric values to a text file provided as its only argument. This can be used alongside Prometheus node exporter to allow Tailscale client metrics to be consumed and exported by the textfile collector.

For example:

tailscale metrics write /var/lib/prometheus/node-exporter/tailscaled.prom

Last updated Mar 18, 2025