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Expose a Service in one cluster to another cluster (cross-cluster connectivity)

You can use the Tailscale Kubernetes Operator to expose a Service in one cluster to another cluster. This is done by exposing the Service on destination cluster A to the tailnet (cluster ingress), and connecting from a source Service in cluster B to the tailnet (cluster egress) in order to access the Service running in cluster A.


Cross-cluster connectivity setup

This will need to be configured for each Ingress and Egress pair of Services. To set this up for access through ingress to a Service in cluster A and routing through egress from a Service in cluster B:

  1. Set up Ingress in cluster A for the Service you wish to access.
  2. Expose the external Service (running in cluster A) using its Tailscale IP address in cluster B with an annotation on the external Service.


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Last updated Mar 24, 2025