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Exporting a list of tailnet devices

Using the Machines page in the admin console, you can export a list of devices in your tailnet. You can choose to download a list of all devices, or you can filter by criteria to download a subset of devices. Example of data in the download is the device name, user, Tailscale client version, and when the device was last seen.

The download file is in comma-separated values (CSV) format, which is recognized by many browsers and spreadsheet programs. Each row in the CSV file represents one device.

If you want to know how to export a list of users, see Exporting a list of tailnet users.

Exporting a list of devices

You need to be an Owner, Admin, Network admin, or IT admin of a tailnet in order to access the admin console and export a list of devices.

  1. Open the Machines page in the admin console.
  2. (Optional) Select Filter to filter which devices you want to list.
  3. Select the download icon at the top right of the page. This opens the Export devices data to CSV dialog.
  4. If you have selected any filters, you have the option of either downloading all devices or the subset of devices selected by the filter.
  5. Select Download.

If your browser settings let you specify a file name:

  1. Specify the name of the file to use for the download, or accept the default name.
  2. Navigate to the location where you want to save the file.
  3. Select Save.

If your browser settings instead automatically download the file, look for it in the Downloads folder. The file name is of the form:



  • <organization-name> is your tailnet's organization name.
  • <date-time> is the date and time the exported list was generated.

For example:

Additional way to retrieve list of devices

You can use the tailnet-devices-get method in the Tailscale API to retrieve a list of devices, and the device-get method to retrieve details for a specific device.


  • The download is a point-in-time export based on the time that the download occurred. You cannot specify an earlier time to capture historical data.
  • You cannot select which columns to export.
  • Columns may change as we add or update features.

Last updated Jul 10, 2024