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Manage Tailscale resources using Pulumi

Pulumi is an infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that lets you deploy infrastructure programmatically. Pulumi maintains the Tailscale Pulumi provider in the Pulumi registry.

You can use the Tailscale Pulumi provider to:

Installation steps

To use Pulumi with Tailscale:

  1. Install the package for the Tailscale Pulumi provider in Node.js, Python, Go, or .NET.

  2. Set the Tailscale configuration for Pulumi with an API access token for Tailscale and with the name of your tailnet. You can either set these as environment variables or as part of your Pulumi configuration. To set these in your Pulumi configuration:

    pulumi config set tailscale:apiKey tskey-1234567CNTRL-abcdefghijklmnopqrstu --secret
    pulumi config set tailscale:tailnet


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