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Manage Tailscale resources using Terraform

Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool that lets you deploy infrastructure programmatically.

The Tailscale Terraform provider is maintained and published in the Terraform registry by Tailscale. We recommend using the latest version of the provider.


Use the Terraform provider for Tailscale to:

Credentials and tailnet configuration

To use Terraform with Tailscale, configure the Tailscale Terraform provider with your Tailscale credentials, which can be an OAuth client ID and secret OR an API access token. We strongly recommend that you use an OAuth client because an OAuth client:

  • is associated with the tailnet, not an individual user
  • does not expire
  • supports scopes

For details, see OAuth clients.

Also specify your tailnet in the Tailscale Terraform provider configuration. For this value, you can provide a dash (-) to reference the default tailnet of the OAuth client ID and secret (or API access token) being used as credentials. This is the best option for most users. Alternatively, you can specify your tailnet organization name, which you can find in the General settings page of the admin console.

It is not recommended to store sensitive information such as an OAuth client or API access token in source control. Instead, use an environment variable and/or secrets manager.

Use the default variables TAILSCALE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, TAILSCALE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, and TAILSCALE_TAILNET to provide your credentials and tailnet organization name to the Tailscale Terraform provider. Alternatively, see the Terraform topic Set values with variables.

If you are using an API access token instead of an OAuth client, use the default TAILSCALE_API_KEY variable, instead of TAILSCALE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and TAILSCALE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET.

Environment variables

You can store most information as environment variables in Terraform. Tailscale uses environment variables for the following configuration settings:

SettingDescriptionEnvironment variable
(String, Sensitive)
The API key to use for authenticating requests to the API.
The base URL of the Tailscale API. Defaults to ''.TAILSCALE_BASE_URL
The OAuth application's ID when using OAuth client credentials. Both 'TAILSCALE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID' and 'TAILSCALE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET' must be set.
Conflicts with 'api_key'.
(String, Sensitive)
The OAuth application's secret when using OAuth client credentials. Both 'TAILSCALE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID' and 'TAILSCALE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET' must be set.
Conflicts with 'api_key'.
The organization name of the tailnet to perform actions in.TAILSCALE_TAILNET

Migrating from the community-contributed Terraform provider

If you previously used the community-contributed Terraform provider, and now want to use the provider managed and published by Tailscale, update the source argument in your Terraform configuration. That is, update source = "davidsbond/tailscale" to source = "tailscale/tailscale".

Special thanks

Special thanks to David Bond, who contributed and maintained the original community-contributed Tailscale Terraform provider. Tailscale now maintains and publishes this provider.


The Tailscale Terraform provider is maintained and published in the Terraform registry by Tailscale. If you have an issue or feature request, contact support or file a GitHub issue.