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Kubernetes operator

The Tailscale Kubernetes operator lets you:

Tailscale Kubernetes operator is available for all plans.
Kubernetes operator is currently in beta. To try it, follow the steps below to enable it for your network using Tailscale v1.50 or later.

Setting up the Kubernetes operator


Tailscale Kubernetes Operator must be configured with OAuth client credentials. The operator uses these credentials to manage devices via Tailscale API and to create auth keys for itself and the devices it manages.

  1. In your tailnet policy file, create the ACL tags tag:k8s-operator and tag:k8s, and make tag:k8s-operator an owner of tag:k8s. If you want your Services to be exposed with tags other than the default tag:k8s, create those as well and make tag:k8s-operator an owner.

    "tagOwners": {
       "tag:k8s-operator": [],
       "tag:k8s": ["tag:k8s-operator"],
  2. Create an OAuth client in the OAuth clients page of the admin console. Create the client with Devices write scope and the tag tag:k8s-operator.


A default operator installation creates a tailscale namespace, an operator Deployment in the tailscale namespace, RBAC for the operator, and ProxyClass and Connector Custom Resource Definitions.


Tailscale Kubernetes Operator's Helm charts are available from two chart repositories.

The repository contains well-tested charts for stable Tailscale versions.

Helm charts and container images for a new stable Tailscale version are released a few days after the official release. This is done to avoid releasing image versions with potential bugs in the core Linux client or core libraries.

The repository contains charts with the very latest changes, published in between official releases.

The charts in both repositories are different versions of the same chart and you can upgrade from one to the other.

To install the latest Kubernetes Tailscale operator from in tailscale namespace:

  1. Add to your local Helm repositories:

    helm repo add tailscale
  2. Update your local Helm cache:

    helm repo update
  3. Install the operator passing the OAuth client credentials that you created earlier:

    helm upgrade \
      --install \
      tailscale-operator \
      tailscale/tailscale-operator \
      --namespace=tailscale \
      --create-namespace \
      --set-string oauth.clientId=<OAauth client ID> \
      --set-string oauth.clientSecret=<OAuth client secret> \
Static manifests with kubectl
  1. Download the Tailscale Kubernetes operator manifest file from the tailscale/tailscale repo.

  2. Edit your version of the manifest file:

    1. Find # SET CLIENT ID HERE and replace it with your OAuth client ID.
    2. Find # SET CLIENT SECRET HERE and replace it with your OAuth client secret. The OAuth client secret is case-sensitive.

    For both the client ID and secret, quote the value, to avoid any potential yaml misinterpretation of unquoted strings. For example, use:

    client_id: "k123456CNTRL"
    client_secret: "tskey-client-k123456CNTRL-abcdef"

    instead of:

    client_id: k123456CNTRL
    client_secret: tskey-client-k123456CNTRL-abcdef
  3. Apply the edited file to your Kubernetes cluster:

    kubectl apply -f manifest.yaml


Verify that the Tailscale operator has joined your tailnet. Open the Machines page of the admin console and look for a node named tailscale-operator, tagged with the tag:k8s-operator tag. It may take a minute or two for the operator to join your tailnet, due to the time required to download and start the container image in Kubernetes.

Exposing a Kubernetes cluster workload to your tailnet (cluster ingress)

You can use the Tailscale Kubernetes operator to expose a Kubernetes cluster workload to your tailnet in three ways:

  • Create a LoadBalancer type Service with the tailscale loadBalancerClass that fronts your workload
  • Annotate an existing Service that fronts your workload
  • Create an Ingress resource fronting a Service or Services for the workloads you wish to expose

We currently do not support exposing a cluster workload using a Service of type ExternalName neither directly nor as an Ingress backend.

Exposing a cluster workload via a tailscale Load Balancer Service

Create a new Kubernetes Service of type LoadBalancer:

  1. Set spec.type to LoadBalancer.
  2. Set spec.loadBalancerClass to tailscale.

Once provisioning is complete, the Service status will show the fully-qualified domain name of the Service in your tailnet. You can view the Service status by running kubectl get service <service name>.

You should also see a new node with that name appear in the Machines page of the admin console.

Exposing a cluster workload by annotating an existing Service

If the Service you want to expose already exists, you can expose it to Tailscale using object annotations.

Edit the Service and under metadata.annotations, add the annotation with the value "true". Note that "true" is quoted because annotation values are strings, and an unquoted true will be incorrectly interpreted as a boolean.

In this mode, Kubernetes doesn’t tell you the Tailscale machine name. You can look up the node in the Machines of the admin console to learn its machine name. By default, the machine name of an exposed Service is <k8s-namespace>-<k8s-servicename>, but it can be changed.

Exposing a Service using Ingress

You can use the Tailscale Kubernetes operator to expose an Ingress resource in your Kubernetes cluster to your tailnet. When configured using an Ingress resource, you also get the ability to identify callers using HTTP headers injected by the Ingress proxy.

Ingress resources only support TLS, and are only exposed over HTTPS. You must enable HTTPS on your tailnet.

Edit the Ingress resource you want to expose to use the Ingress class tailscale:

  1. Set spec.ingressClassName to tailscale.
  2. Set tls.hosts to the desired host name of the Tailscale node. Only the first label is used. See custom machine names for more details.

For example, to expose an Ingress resource nginx to your tailnet:

kind: Ingress
  name: nginx
      name: nginx
        number: 80
  ingressClassName: tailscale
    - hosts:
        - nginx

The backend is HTTP by default. To use HTTPS on the backend, either set the port name to https or the port number to 443:

kind: Ingress
  name: nginx
      name: nginx
        name: https
  ingressClassName: tailscale
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginx
    - name: https
      port: 443
      targetPort: 443
  type: ClusterIP

A single Ingress resource can be used to front multiple backend Services:

kind: Ingress
  name: ingress
  ingressClassName: tailscale
    - http:
          - path: /
            pathType: Prefix
                name: ui-svc
                  number: 80
          - path: /api
            pathType: Prefix
                name: api-svc
                  number: 80

Currently the only supported Ingress path type is Prefix. Requests for paths with other path types will be routed according to Prefix rules.

Exposing a Service to the public internet using Ingress and Tailscale Funnel

You can also use the Tailscale Kubernetes operator to expose an Ingress resource in your Kubernetes cluster to the public internet using Tailscale Funnel. To do so:

  1. Add a "true" annotation:

    kind: Ingress
      name: funnel
      annotations: "true"
          name: funnel
            number: 80
      ingressClassName: tailscale
        - hosts:
            - funnel
  2. Update the ACLs for your tailnet to allow Kubernetes Operator proxy services to use Tailscale Funnel.

Add a node attribute to allow nodes created by the Operator to use Funnel:

"nodeAttrs": [
    "target": ["tag:k8s"], // tag that Tailscale Operator uses to tag proxies; defaults to 'tag:k8s'
    "attr":   ["funnel"],

Note that even if your policy has the funnel attribute assigned to autogroup:member (which is the default), you still need to add it to the tag used by proxies, since autogroup:member does not include tagged nodes.

Removing a Service

Any of the following actions remove a Kubernetes Service you exposed from your tailnet:

  • Delete the Service entirely
  • If you are using the annotation, remove the annotation
  • If you are using an Ingress resource, delete it or change or unset spec.ingressClassName

Deleting a Service's Tailscale node in the admin console does not clean up the Kubernetes state associated with that Service.

Accessing the Kubernetes control plane using an API server proxy

You can use the Tailscale Kubernetes operator to expose and access the Kubernetes control plane (kube-apiserver) over Tailscale.

The Tailscale API server proxy can run in one of two modes:

  • in auth mode, requests from tailnet, that are proxied over to Kubernetes API server, are additionally impersonated using the sender's tailnet identity. Kubernetes RBAC can then be used to configure granular API server permissions for individual tailnet identities or groups.

  • in noauth mode, requests from tailnet will be proxied over to Kubernetes API server, but not authenticated. This mechanism can be used in combination with another authentication/authorizaton mechanism, such as authenticating proxy provided by an external IDP or a cloud provider.


The API server proxy runs as part of the same process as the Tailscale Kubernetes operator and is reached via the same tailnet node. It is exposed on port 443. Ensure that your ACLs allow all devices/users who want to access the API server via the proxy, access to the Tailscale Kubernetes operator. For example, to allow all tailnet devices tagged with tag:k8s-readers access to the proxy, create ACL rule like this:

	"action": "accept",
	"src": ["tag:k8s-readers"],
	"dst": ["tag:k8s-operator:443"]

Being able to access the proxy over tailnet does not grant tailnet users any default permissions to access Kubernetes API server resources. Tailnet users will only be able to access API server resources that they have been explicitly authorized to access, that is, by Kubernetes RBAC.

To use a Tailscale Kubernetes API server proxy, you need to enable HTTPS for your tailnet.

Configuring the API server proxy in auth mode


If you are installing Tailscale Kubernetes operator with Helm, you can install the proxy in auth mode by passing --set-string apiServerProxyConfig.mode=true flag to the install command:

helm upgrade \
  --install \
  tailscale-operator \
  tailscale/tailscale-operator \
  --namespace=tailscale \
  --create-namespace \
  --set-string oauth.clientId=<OAauth client ID> \
  --set-string oauth.clientSecret=<OAuth client secret> \
  --set-string apiServerProxyConfig.mode="true" \
Static manifests with kubectl

If you are installing Tailscale Kubernetes operator using static manifests:

  1. Set the API_SERVER_PROXY env var in the Tailscale Kubernetes operator deployment manifest to "true"

    value: "true"
  2. Download and apply RBAC for the API server proxy from the tailscale/tailscale repo.

Configuring authentication and authorization

API server proxy in auth mode impersonates requests from tailnet to the Kubernetes API server. You can then use Kubernetes RBAC to control what API server resources tailnet identities are allowed to access.

The impersonation is applied as follows:

  • if the user, who sends a request to Kube API server via the proxy, is in a tailnet user group for which API server proxy ACL grants have been configured for that proxy instance, the request will be impersonated as from a Kubernetes group specified in the grant. Additionally, it will also be impersonated as from a Kubernetes user whose name matches tailnet user's name.
  • if ACL grants are not used and the node from which the request is sent is tagged, the request will be impersonated as if from a Kubernetes group whose name matches the tag.
  • if ACL grants are not used and the node from which the request is sent is not tagged, the request will be impersonated as if from a Kubernetes user whose name matches the sender's tailnet username.
Impersonating Kubernetes groups with ACL grants

You can use ACL grants to configure what Kubernetes API server resources Tailscale user groups are allowed to access.

For example, to give tailnet user group group:prod cluster admin access and give tailnet user group group:k8s-readers read permissions for most Kubernetes resources:

  1. Update your ACL grants:

        "grants": [{
          "src": ["group:prod"],
          "dst": ["tag:k8s-operator"],
          "app": {
            "": [{
              "impersonate": {
                "groups": ["system:masters"],
          "src": ["group:k8s-readers"],
          "dst": ["tag:k8s-operator"],
          "app": {
            "": [{
              "impersonate": {
                "groups": ["tailnet-readers"],
    • grants.src is the Tailscale user group to which the grant applies
    • grants.dst must be the tag of the Tailscale Kubernetes operator
    • system:masters is a Kubernetes group that has default RBAC bindings in all clusters. Kubernetes creates a default ClusterRole cluster-admin that allows all actions against all Kubernetes API server resources and a ClusterRoleBinding cluster-admin that binds the cluster-admin ClusterRole to system:masters group.
    • tailnet-readers is a Kubernetes group that you will bind the default Kubernetes view ClusterRole to in a following step. (Note that Kubernetes group names do not refer to existing identities in Kubernetes- they do not need to be precreated to start using them in (Cluster)RoleBindings)
  2. Bind tailnet-readers to the view ClusterRole:

    kubectl create clusterrolebinding tailnet-readers-view --group=tailnet-readers --clusterrole=view
Impersonating Kubernetes groups with tagged tailnet nodes

If the request is sent from a tagged device it will be impersonated as if from a Kubernetes goup whose name matches the tag. For example, a request from a tailnet node tagged with tag:k8s-readers will be authenticated by the API server as from a Kubernetes group tag:k8s-readers.

You can create Kubernetes (Cluster)Roles and (Cluster)RoleBindings to configure what permissions the group should have or bind an existing (Cluster)Role to the group.

For example, to grant nodes tagged with tag:k8s-readers read-only access to most Kubernetes resources, you can bind Kubernetes group tag:k8s-users to the default Kubernetes view ClusterRole:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding tailnet-readers --group="tag:k8s-readers" --clusterrole=view
Impersonating Kubernetes users

If the request is not sent from a tagged device it will be impersonated as if from a Kubernetes user named the same as the sender's tailnet user.

You can then create Kubernetes (Cluster)Roles and (Cluster)RoleBindings to configure what permissions the user should have or bind an existing (Cluster)Role to the user.

For example, to allow tailnet user read-only access to most Kubernetes resources, you can bind Kubernetes user to the default Kubernetes view ClusterRole like so:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding alice-view --user=""  --clusterrole=view
Configuring kubeconfig

You can run the following CLI command to configure your kubeconfig for authentication with kubectl via the Tailscale Kubernetes API server proxy: tailscale configure kubeconfig <operator-hostname>. By default, the hostname for the operator node is tailscale-operator.

Configuring API server proxy in noauth mode

The noauth mode of the API server proxy is useful if you want to use Tailscale to provide access to the Kubernetes API server over tailnet, but want to keep using your existing authentication and authorization mechanism.


If you are installing Tailscale Kubernetes operator with Helm, you can install the proxy in auth mode by passing --set-string apiServerProxyConfig.mode=noauth flag to the install command:

helm upgrade \
  --install \
  tailscale-operator \
  tailscale/tailscale-operator \
  --namespace=tailscale \
  --create-namespace \
  --set-string oauth.clientId=<OAauth client ID> \
  --set-string oauth.clientSecret=<OAuth client secret> \
  --set-string apiServerProxyConfig.mode="noauth" \
Static manifests with kubectl

If you are installing Tailscale Kubernetes operator using static manifests:

  1. Set the API_SERVER_PROXY env var in the Tailscale Kubernetes operator deployment manifest to "noauth"

    value: "noauth"
Authentication and authorization

When ran in noauth mode, API server proxy exposes Kubernetes API server to the tailnet, but does not provide authentication. You can use the proxy endpoint which is <hostname of the Tailscale operator>:443 instead of Kubernetes API server address and set up authentication and authorization over that using any other mechanism such as another authenticating proxy provided by your managed Kubernetes provider or IDP or similar.

Exposing a tailnet service to your Kubernetes cluster (cluster egress)

You can make services that are external to your cluster, but available on your tailnet, available to your Kubernetes cluster workloads by making the associated tailnet node accessible from the cluster.

You can configure the operator to set up an in-cluster egress proxy for a tailnet node by creating a Kubernetes Service that specifies a tailnet node either by its Tailscale IP address or its MagicDNS name. In both cases your cluster workloads will refer to the tailnet service by the Kubernetes Service name.

Expose a tailnet node to your cluster using its Tailscale IP address

  1. Create a Kubernetes Service of type ExternalName annotated with the Tailscale IP address of the tailnet node you want to make available:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      annotations: <Tailscale IP address>
      name: rds-staging   # service name
      externalName: placeholder   # any value - will be overwritten by operator
      type: ExternalName

Value of the annotation can be either a tailnet IPv4 or IPv6 address, for either a Tailscale node or a route in a Tailscale subnet. IP ranges are not supported.

Expose a tailnet node to your cluster using its Tailscale MagicDNS name

  1. Ensure that MagicDNS is enabled for your cluster.

  2. Create a Kubernetes Service of type ExternalName annotated with the MagicDNS name of the tailnet node that you wish to make available:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      annotations: <Tailscale MagicDNS name>
      name: rds-staging   # service name
      externalName: placeholder   # any value - will be overwritten by operator
      type: ExternalName

Note that the value of the annotation must be the full MagicDNS name of the tailnet service (not just hostname). The final dot is optional.


Wait for the Tailscale Kubernetes operator to update spec.externalName of the Kubernetes Service that you created. The Service external name should get set to the Kubernetes DNS name of another Kubernetes Service that is fronting the egress proxy in tailscale namespace. The proxy is responsible for routing traffic to the exposed Tailscale node over the tailnet.

Once the Service external name gets updated, workloads in your cluster should be able to access the exposed tailnet service by referring to it via the Kubernetes DNS name of the Service that you created.

Exposing a Service in one cluster to another cluster (cross-cluster connectivity)

You can use the Tailscale Kubernetes operator to expose a Service in one cluster to another cluster. This is done by exposing the Service on destination cluster A to the tailnet (cluster ingress), and connecting from a source Service in cluster B to the tailnet (cluster egress) in order to access the Service running in cluster A.

This will need to be configured for each Ingress and Egress pair of Services. To set this up for access via ingress to a Service in cluster A and routing via egress from a Service in cluster B:

  1. Set up Ingress in cluster A for the Service you wish to access.
  2. Expose the external Service (running in cluster A) using its Tailscale IP address in cluster B with an annotation on the external Service

Shared cluster egress and cluster ingress proxy configuration

Configuration options in this section apply to both cluster egress and cluster ingress (configured via a Service or Ingress) proxies.

The API server proxy currently runs as part of the same process as the Kubernetes operator. You can use the available operator configuration options to configure the API server proxy parameters.

Customizing ACL tags

Currently cluster ingress and cluster egress proxies join your tailnet as separate Tailscale devices tagged by one or more ACL tags.

The Tailscale operator must be a tag owner of all the proxy tags: if you want to tag a proxy device with tag:foo,tag:bar, the tagOwners section of the tailnet policy file must list tag:k8s-operator as one of the owners of both tag:foo and tag:bar.

Currently ACL tags can not be modified once a proxy has been created.

Default tags

By default, a proxy device joins your tailnet tagged with the ACL tag tag:k8s. You can modify the default tag or tags when installing the operator.

If you install the operator with Helm you can use .proxyConfig.defaultTags in the Helm values file.

If you install the operator with static manifests you can set the PROXY_TAGS env var in the deployment manifest.

Multiple tags must be passed as a comma separated string, that is, tag:foo,tag:bar.

Tags for individual proxies

To override the default tags for an individual proxy device, you can set annotation on the Service or Ingress resource, used to tell the operator to create the proxy, to a comma separated list of the desired tags.

For example, setting = "tag:foo,tag:bar" will result in the proxy device having the tags tag:foo and tag:bar.

Using custom machine names

Cluster ingress and egress proxies support overriding the hostname they announce while registering with Tailscale. For Services custom hostname can be set via a annotation. For Ingresses a custom hostname can be set via .spec.tls.hosts field (only the first value will be used).

Note that this only sets a custom OS hostname reported by the node. Actual machine name will differ if there already is a device on the network with the same name.

Machine names are subject to the constraints of DNS: they can be up to 63 characters long, must start and end with a letter, and consist of only letters, numbers, and -.

Cluster resource customization using ProxyClass Custom Resource

Tailscale operator v1.60 and newer provides ability to customize configuraton of cluster resources created by the operator using ProxyClass Custom Resource Definition.

You can specify cluster resource configuration for custom labels and resource requests using a ProxyClass Custom Resource.

You can then:

  • Apply configuration from a particular ProxyClass to cluster resources created for a tailscale Ingress or Service using a<proxy-class-name> label on the Ingress or Service.

  • Apply configuration from a particular ProxyClass to cluster resources created for a Connector using connector.spec.proxyClass field.

The following example demonstrates how to use a ProxyClass that specifies custom labels and node selector that should get applied to Pods for a tailscale Ingress, a cluster egress proxy and a Connector:

  1. Create a ProxyClass resource:

    kind: ProxyClass
      name: prod
            team: eng
            environment: prod
  2. Create a tailscale Ingress with label:

    kind: Ingress
      name: my-app
      labels: "prod"
      ingressClassName: tailscale
  3. Create a cluster egress Service with a label:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      annotations: <tailnet-ip>
      labels: "prod"
      name: my-tailnet-service
  4. Create a Connector that refers to the 'prod' ProxyClass:

    kind: Connector
      name: prod
      proxyClass: prod

You can find all available ProxyClass configuration options on GitHub →

Deploying exit nodes and subnet routers on Kubernetes using Connector Custom Resource

Tailscale Kubernetes operator installation includes a Connector Custom Resource Definition.

Connector can be used to configure the operator to deploy a Tailscale node that acts as a Tailscale subnet router, exit-node, or both.

For example, you can deploy a Connector that acts as a subnet router and exposes to your tailnet cluster Service CIDRs or some cloud service CIDRs that are available from the cluster, but not publicly accessible.

To create a Connector that exposes CIDR to your tailnet:

  1. (Optional) Set the tag of the Connector node to be auto-approved. By default, the node will be tagged with tag:k8s. Custom tag or tags can be set via .connector.spec.tags in step 2. If you set a custom tag, you must also ensure that operator is an owner of this tag.

  2. Create a Connector Custom Resource:

    kind: Connector
      name: ts-pod-cidrs
      hostname: ts-pod-cidrs
          - ""
  3. Wait for the Connector resources to get created:

    $ kubectl get connector ts-pod-cidrs
    ts-pod-cidrs         false        ConnectorCreated
  4. (Optional) If you did not configure the route to be auto-approved in step 1, open the Machines page of the admin console and manually approve the newly created ts-pod-cidrs node to advertise the route.

  5. (Optional and for Linux clients only) Ensure that clients that need to access resources in the subnet have accepted the advertised route.

You can find all available Connector configuration options on GitHub →

Supported versions

Operator and proxies

We recommend that you use the same version for the operator and the proxies, because we currently run majority of our tests using the same versions.

We do, however, support a version skew of up to four minor versions (for example, operator version v1.62.0 is compatible with proxy version v1.58.0, but not any older).

Kubernetes versions

The oldest currently supported version of Kubernetes is v1.23.0.

CNI compatibility

The operator creates proxies that configure custom routing and forwarding rules in each proxy Pod's network namespace only. Because the proxying is implemented in the proxy Pod's namespace, the routing and firewall configuration on the Node (for example, using iptables, eBPF, or any other mechanism) doesn't affect the proxies. This means that the proxies work with most CNI configurations out of the box.

Cilium in kube-proxy replacement mode

You must enable bypassing socket load balancer in Pods' namespaces if you run Cilium in kube-proxy replacement mode and want to do one or more of the following:

This is needed because when Cilium runs in kube-proxy replacement mode with the socket load balancing in Pods' namespaces enabled, connections from Pods to ClusterIPs go over a TCP socket (instead of going out via Pods' veth devices) and thus bypasses Tailscale firewall rules that are attached to netfilter hooks.


Using logs

If you are experiencing issues with your installation, it might be useful to take a look at the operator logs.

For ingress and egress proxies and the Connector the operator creates a single replica StatefulSet in the tailscale namespace, that is responsible for proxying the traffic to and from the tailnet. If the StatefulSet has been successfully created, you should also take a look at the logs of its Pod.

Operator logs

You can increase operator's log level to get debug logs.

To set log level to debug for an operator deployed using Helm run:

helm upgrade --install \
  operator tailscale/tailscale-operator \
  --set operatorConfig.logging=debug

If you deployed the operator using static manifests, you can set OPERATOR_LOGGING environment variable for the operator's Deployment to debug.

To view the logs run:

kubectl logs deployment/operator --namespace tailscale
Proxy logs

To get logs for the proxy created for an Ingress resource run:

kubectl logs \<ingress-name> \<ingress-namespace> \
  --namespace tailscale

To get logs for a proxy created for an ingress or egress Service run:

kubectl logs \<service-name> \<service-namespace> \
  --namespace tailscale

To get logs for a proxy created for a Connector run:

kubectl logs \<connector-name> \
  --namespace tailscale

Troubleshooting TLS connection errors

If you are connecting to a workload exposed to tailnet over Ingress or to kube API server over the operator's API server proxy, you can sometimes run into TLS connection errors.

Check the following, in sequence:

  1. HTTPS is not enabled for the tailnet.

    To use tailscale Ingress or API server proxy you must ensure that HTTPS is enabled for your tailnet.

  2. LetsEncrypt certificate has not yet been provisioned.

    If HTTPS is enabled, the errors are most likely related to LetsEncrypt certificate provisioning flow.

    For each Tailscale Ingress resource, the operator deploys a Tailscale node that runs a TLS server. This server is provisioned with a LetsEncrypt certificate for the MagicDNS name of the node. For the API server proxy, the operator also runs an in-process TLS server that proxies tailnet traffic to the Kubernetes API server. This server gets provisioned with a LetsEncrypt certificate for the MagicDNS name of the operator.

    In both cases the certificates get provisioned lazily, the first time a client connects to the server. It takes some time to provision it, so you might see some TLS timeout errors.

    You can take a look at the logs to follow the certificate provisioning process:

    For API server proxy, review the operator's logs:

    There is nothing you can currently do to prevent the first client connection sometimes erroring. Do reach out if this is causing issues for your workflow.

  3. You have hit LetsEncrypt rate limits.

    If the connection does not succeed even after first attempt to connect, you should verify that you have not hit LetsEncrypt rate limits. If a limit has been hit, you will be able to see the error returned from LetsEncrypt in the logs.

    We are currently working on making it less likely for users to hit LetsEncrypt rate limits. See related discussion in tailscale/tailscale#11119.

Troubleshooting cluster egress/cluster ingress proxies

The proxy pod is deployed in the tailscale namespace, and will have a name of the form ts-<annotated-service-name>-<random-string>.

If there are issues reaching the external service, verify the proxy pod is properly deployed:

  • Review the logs of the proxy pod
  • Review the logs of the operator. You can do this by running kubectl logs deploy/operator --namespace tailscale. The log level can be configured using the OPERATOR_LOGGING environment variable in the operator's manifest file.
  • Verify that the cluster workload is able to send traffic to the proxy pod in the tailscale namespace


  • There are no dashboards or metrics. We are interested to hear what metrics you would find useful — do reach out.
  • The container images, charts or manifests are not signed. We are working on this.
  • The static manifests are currently only available from tailscale/tailscale codebase. We are working to improve this flow.

Cluster ingress

  • Tags are only considered during initial provisioning. That is, editing on an already exposed Service doesn’t update the tags until you clean up and re-expose the Service.
  • The requested machine name is only considered during initial provisioning. That is, editing on an already exposed Service doesn't update the machine name until you clean up and re-expose the Service.
  • Cluster-ingress using Kubernetes Ingress resource requires TLS certificates. Currently the certificates are provisioned on the first connect. This means that the first connection might be slow or even time out.

API server proxy

  • The API server proxy runs inside of the cluster. If your cluster is non-functional or is unable to schedule pods, you may lose access to the API server proxy.
  • API server proxy requires TLS certificates. Currently the certificates are provisioned on the first API call via the proxy. This means that the first call might be slow or even time out.

Cluster egress

  • Cluster workloads can only access the exposed tailnet node by a Kubernetes Service name of the egress proxy. We currently do not make MagicDNS names of the exposed nodes resolve within the cluster. As a result of this, if you use Tailscale to provision certificates you may see certificate name mismatch errors. We are working on this.
  • Egress to external services supports using an IPv4 or IPv6 address for a single route in the annotation, but not IP ranges.
  • Egress to external services currently only supports clusters where privileged pods are permitted (that is, GKE Autopilot is not supported).



In the context of this document, a proxy is the Tailscale node deployed for each user-configured component that the operator manages (such as a Tailscale Ingress or a Connector). The proxy is deployed as a StatefulSet in the operator's namespace (defaults to tailscale). The StatefulSets name is prefixed by a portion of the configured component's name.

If you need to reliably refer to the proxy's StatefulSet, you can use label selectors. For example, to find StatefulSet for a Tailscale Ingress resource named ts-ingress in prod namespace , you can run:

$ kubectl get statefulset \
  --namespace tailscale \

The label is set to svc for a Service and to connector for a Connector. The labels are also propagated to the Pod.