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Hello tsnet

Create a Go program that uses package tsnet to connect with other devices in your Tailscale network (known as a tailnet). The completed program will provide a basic HTTP server that responds with "Hello, world!" and some tailnet data.


  • The development machine requires:

  • An existing tailnet

  • Authorization to add a device to your tailnet.

  • A browser or use of a command like curl to see the program in action. You can use the same device as the development machine, or you can use another device in your tailnet.

Create a tsnet Hello, world! program

Create a new folder, tshello, for your program.

mkdir tshello

Set the current working directory to the new folder.

cd tshello

At a command line, initialize a Go program:

go mod init tshello

Run the following command to add tsnet to your dependencies and make it available for use in your program:

go get

This will add dependencies to your program and list them in the terminal window.

Create a file, tshello.go.

Within tshello.go, define package main and import the Go packages that will be used in the program, and also the package:

// This program demonstrates how to use tsnet as a library.
package main

import (


Add a var array to define flags that can be specified at the command line. Set the addr default to :80. addr will be used as the port that the HTTP server will listen on.

var (
    addr = flag.String("addr", ":80", "address to listen on")

Add the opening code for the main() function:

func main() {
    srv := new(tsnet.Server)
    defer srv.Close()
    ln, err := srv.Listen("tcp", *addr)
    if err != nil {
    defer ln.Close()

The code above parses any command-line flags set for the program, and then creates an instance of the tsnet.Server object. This is the main object used to interact with the tailnet. The object ln is a listener created by the Server.Listen() function. In this example, it uses the TCP protocol, listening on the port specified by addr.

Continue adding code to main().

lc, err := srv.LocalClient()
if err != nil {

The code creates the lc object by a call to Server.LocalClient(), which allows your tsnet program to communicate with the tailscaled daemon on the local device.

Add in code to use a TLS certificate if the addr is :443. (You won't use address :443 in the initial execution of the code.)

if *addr == ":443" {
    ln = tls.NewListener(ln, &tls.Config{
        GetCertificate: lc.GetCertificate,

This code configures the listener object, ln, to use TLS in support of making an HTTPS connection. Tailscale will automatically request a certificate for the tsnet program, using Let's Encrypt.

Add code to run the program as an HTTP server:

log.Fatal(http.Serve(ln, http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    who, err := lc.WhoIs(r.Context(), r.RemoteAddr)
        if err != nil {
            http.Error(w, err.Error(), 500)
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "<html><body><h1>Hello, world!</h1>\n")
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "<p>You are <b>%s</b> from <b>%s</b> (%s)</p>",

func firstLabel(s string) string {
    s, _, _ = strings.Cut(s, ".")
    return s

The code relies on the Go http.Serve function to handle incoming requests to the tsnet device running the program. When the program processes a request, it uses Tailscale's LocalClient.WhoIs() function to customize the "Hello". Specifically, the program returns a response that shows the user's login name, client device name, and client device Tailscale IP address.

The firstLabel() function is a helper function that returns the user's client device name without the domain name included.

This is the entire example:

// This program demonstrates how to use tsnet as a library.
package main

import (


var (
   addr = flag.String("addr", ":80", "address to listen on")

 func main() {
    srv := new(tsnet.Server)
    defer srv.Close()
    ln, err := srv.Listen("tcp", *addr)
    if err != nil {
    defer ln.Close()

lc, err := srv.LocalClient()
if err != nil {

if *addr == ":443" {
   ln = tls.NewListener(ln, &tls.Config{
      GetCertificate: lc.GetCertificate,

log.Fatal(http.Serve(ln, http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    who, err := lc.WhoIs(r.Context(), r.RemoteAddr)
        if err != nil {
            http.Error(w, err.Error(), 500)
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "<html><body><h1>Hello, world!</h1>\n")
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "<p>You are <b>%s</b> from <b>%s</b> (%s)</p>",

func firstLabel(s string) string {
    s, _, _ = strings.Cut(s, ".")
    return s

Double-check that your code matches this example and save your file. You can now test your program.

Run the program

  1. Start the program:

    go run .

    The program will display a message that contains a Tailscale authentication URL, similar to the following:

    2025/01/28 15:46:08 tsnet running state path /Users/amelie/Library/Application Support/tsnet-tshello/tailscaled.state
    2025/01/28 15:46:08 tsnet starting with hostname "tshello", varRoot "/Users/amelie/Library/Application Support/tsnet-tshello"
    2025/01/28 15:46:13 To start this tsnet server, restart with TS_AUTHKEY set, or go to:
  2. To add the device to your tailnet, open the URL in a browser and log in to Tailscale. If Device approval is enabled for your tailnet, approve the device in the Machines page of the admin console. (Later in this topic you'll automate adding a device to your tailnet.)

  3. Open another terminal window and try to ping the newly added device:

    ping tshello -c 2
  4. Upon success, the ping results will look like:

    PING (100.x.y.z): 56 data bytes
    64  bytes from 100.x.y.z: icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=49.404 ms
    64 bytes from 100.x.y.z: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.425 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
    round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 2.425/25.915/49.404/23.490 ms
  5. Connect to the device using curl:

    curl http://tshello

    The output will look like:

    <html><body><h1>Hello, world!</h1>
    <p>You are <b></b> from <b>amelie-workstation</b> (100.x.y.z:49214)</p>

You've written a small HTTP service that responds to requests and provides details about your tailnet and user. Next you'll explore how to authenticate automatically.

Use an auth key

The example code previously shown relies on a Tailscale authentication URL to log the new device into the tailnet. An alternative to logging in to Tailscale is to use an auth key for your tsnet.Server initialization. This lets you pre-approve a device. Also, if your tailnet has device approval enabled, and you only intend to use that to approve end-user devices, use an auth key for your tsnet devices.

To use an auth key in a tsnet program, first create an auth key.

You can then either set the local environment variable TS_AUTHKEY to the auth key, or you can set Server.AuthKey to the auth key. If both TS_AUTHKEY and Server.AuthKey are set, Server.AuthKey has precedence.

To modify the tsnet program to set a command-line flag for the auth key and assign it to Server.AuthKey:

  1. Update the var array to define the tsAuthKey flag.

    var (
       addr = flag.String("addr", ":80", "address to listen on"),
       tsAuthKey = flag.String("ts-authkey", "", ""Tailscale auth key")
  2. Assign the auth key to Server.AuthKey when you create an instance of the tsnet.Server object.

    srv := new(tsnet.Server)
    srv.AuthKey = *tsAuthKey

    The program will then use the value assigned to the command-line flag --ts-authkey.

    When using environment variables (as opposed to a program flag to set the auth key), TS_AUTHKEY is the recommended environment variable name. However, if TS_AUTHKEY is not defined, then tsnet will use the legacy TS_AUTH_KEY environment variable if it is defined. Server.AuthKey has precedence over both of these environment variables.

Control the directory for persistent data

The tsnet.Server object uses a directory to store and retrieve persistent data used by tsnet. tsnet uses the persistent data so your program can reconnect to your tailnet when the program is restarted. If the persistent data is deleted, your program will require authentication again (unless you are using an auth key when you start your program).

By default, tsnet will store data in the user configuration directory, in a subdirectory with a name based on a concatenation of tsnet- and the name of your program. In the case of the program created by using this topic, the subdirectory name is tsnet-tshello. You can set Server.Dir to use a different directory. The directory specified by Server.Dir must already exist or tsnet calls will fail.

tsnet and the Go HTTP stack

Building off the example, you can do anything you want with the Go standard library HTTP stack, or anything that is compatible with it (such as Gin/Gonic or Gorilla/mux). If you want to make outgoing HTTP connections to resources in your tailnet, use the HTTPClient object that the tsnet.Server object exposes:

httpCli := srv.HTTPClient()

You can use this like any other net/http#Client:

resp, err := httpCli.Get("http://tshello")
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()

_, err = io.Copy(os.Stdout, resp.Body)
if err != nil {

Last updated Mar 6, 2025