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Tailscale SSH

Tailscale SSH allows Tailscale to manage the authentication and authorization of SSH connections in your tailnet.

Why it matters

With Tailscale SSH, you can:

  • SSH as normal, using Tailscale for authentication. With Tailscale SSH, Tailscale takes over port 22 for SSH connections incoming from the Tailscale network. Tailscale will authenticate and encrypt the connection over WireGuard, using Tailscale node keys. The SSH client and server will still create an encrypted SSH connection, but it will not be further authenticated.
  • Verify high-risk connections with check mode. Optionally require certain connections, or connections as certain users (for example, root), to re-authenticate before connecting. This allows the user to access these high-risk applications for the next 12 hours or for a specified check period before re-authenticating again.

Your SSH config (/etc/ssh/sshd_config) and keys (~/.ssh/authorized_keys) files will not be modified, which means that other SSH connections to the same host, not made over Tailscale, will still work.

This video explains some of the features of Tailscale SSH and how to use them.


  • Reduce management of SSH keys—Tailscale SSH uses WireGuard keys that are automatically generated and expire after a session ends.
  • Enforce access by leveraging Tailscale access controls—give access only to users and groups that need SSH and enforce it with check mode.
  • Record SSH sessions with SSH recording—enforce SSH recording for audit, troubleshooting, and compliance requirements.

Use cases

  • SSH access to infrastructure—ensure all SSH traffic is routed over the tailnet.
  • Reduce usage of other tools—consolidate tooling for managing SSH access.
  • Meet compliance needs—meet workforce regulatory and compliance requirements for SSH.

How is Tailscale SSH different?

Historically, to secure an SSH connection, you generate a key pair on the machine you are connecting from (known as the client), with the private key stored on the client, and the public key distributed to the device you want to connect to (known as the server). This lets the server authenticate communication from the client.

With Tailscale, you can already connect machines in your network, and encrypt communications end-to-end from one point to another—and this includes, for example, SSHing from your work laptop to your work desktop. Tailscale also knows your identity, since that’s how you connected to your tailnet. When you enable Tailscale SSH, Tailscale claims port 22 for the Tailscale IP address (that is, only for traffic coming from your tailnet) on the devices for which you have enabled Tailscale SSH. This routes SSH traffic for the device from the Tailscale network to an SSH server run by Tailscale, instead of your standard SSH server. With Tailscale SSH, based on the ACLs in your tailnet, you can allow devices to connect over SSH and rely on Tailscale for authentication instead of public key authentication.

How does it work?

Compared to using SSH keys, using Tailscale SSH changes how authentication of your connections, key generation and distribution, and user revocation work.

Authentication and authorization

Normally, to establish an SSH connection, the local SSH client you use will connect to the SSH server on the machine you’re trying to reach.

With Tailscale SSH, Tailscale will authenticate and encrypt the connection over WireGuard, using Tailscale node keys. The SSH client and server will still create an SSH connection, but during the SSH protocol's authentication phase, the Tailscale SSH server already knows who the remote party is and takes over, not requiring the SSH client to provide further proof (using the SSH authentication type none).

Tailscale will only authorize the two devices to connect if the ACLs in the tailnet allow it. Tailscale uses netstack port interception and just-in-time automatic configuration of the client known_hosts file to make ssh myhost work without any new binary or config file. Tailscale implements the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) which allows SCP and SFTP to work for newer SSH clients.


With Tailscale SSH, in addition to encryption provided by the SSH protocol, Tailscale encrypts the connection end-to-end using WireGuard, which also includes integrity.

Key management and distribution

Tailscale already manages and distributes node keys and machine keys for devices in your tailnet. Tailscale uses the node key for authentication, authorization, and encryption of the SSH connection.

With Tailscale SSH, Tailscale also distributes public SSH host keys. The private key is stored locally, and the public key is shared with the Tailscale control plane for distribution. This host key means that the SSH client recognizes the host it is connecting to. Once the host is recognized, Tailscale stores the host key to avoid presenting the user with an “unknown host” error message.

Based on an ACL, if two devices are permitted to connect, then Tailscale’s control plane will share their public node keys for discovery, which lets these devices generate an end-to-end encrypted WireGuard connection. If also permitted by the ACL, Tailscale will share their public SSH host keys, which lets these devices be recognized as part of an SSH connection. If a key is compromised, the device can remove the keys on the device, re-install Tailscale, and re-authenticate to generate and distribute new node and SSH host keys.

User revocation

ACLs determine which devices, and which users, are authorized for an SSH connection. Unlike with SSH keys which need to be purged, to remove a user’s ability to SSH to a device, the ACL can be updated to restrict a user’s access. Once the ACL is saved, clients respond to the new rules within seconds. This will terminate existing SSH connections the user has established.

Check mode

Optionally, connections over Tailscale SSH can require a user to re-authenticate before establishing an SSH connection. This requires the user to sign in again with their identity provider. A user will not need to re-authenticate for other connections in check mode for the next 12 hours, or a specified check period.

Configure Tailscale SSH


Tailscale SSH’s server component is only available on:

You can connect from any device running Tailscale, regardless of platform. Tailscale SSH's server component requires Tailscale v1.24 or later.

To enable Tailscale SSH, you must:

  • Advertise Tailscale SSH from the destination to which you want to connect.
  • Ensure an ACL exists that allows the source to connect to the destination on port 22.
    • This is not necessary if you haven’t modified the ACLs in your account, as the default ACL allows all traffic.
    • This may require modifying the tailnet policy file to include SSH. You need to be an Admin or Network admin in order to modify the tailnet policy file.
  • Ensure an ACL exists that allows the source to SSH to the destination machine using Tailscale SSH.
    • This is not necessary if you haven’t modified the ACLs in your account, as the SSH access rules in the default ACL allows all traffic.
    • This will require modifying the tailnet policy file to include SSH policies. You need to be an Admin or Network admin in order to modify the tailnet policy file.

On the host being connected to, you need to advertise that Tailscale is managing SSH connections which originate from the Tailscale network to this host. To do so, run:

tailscale up --ssh

Running tailscale up --ssh will cause any existing SSH connections you have to the host's Tailscale IP to hang.

This generates a host key pair, shares its public half with the Tailscale control plane for distribution to clients, and configures tailscaled to intercept all traffic from your tailnet that is routed to port 22 on the Tailscale IP address. This SSH initialization only needs to be done once per host.

Ensure Tailscale SSH is permitted in ACLs

Before you can use Tailscale SSH, you have to tell Tailscale which users are allowed to SSH to which devices. Since Tailscale automatically manages the authorization and authentication for you, you need to explicitly define these connections.

SSH access rules are defined in the tailnet policy file, which you can edit through the admin console, or through the Tailscale API.

For a connection to be permitted, the tailnet policy file must contain rules permitting both network access and SSH access:

  1. An allowed connection from the source to the destination. This is used to allow any connections in Tailscale (including SSH connections), to distribute keys for WireGuard. See access rules to learn more.
  2. An allowed SSH connection from the source to the destination and the given SSH users. This is used for Tailscale SSH, to distribute keys for authenticating SSH connections.

Each SSH access rule looks like this:

  "action": "check", // "accept" or "check"
  "src": [list-of-sources],
  "dst": [list-of-destinations],
  "users": [list-of-ssh-users],
  "checkPeriod": "20h", // optional, only for check actions. default 12h
  "acceptEnv": [ "GIT_EDITOR", "GIT_COMMITTER_*", "CUSTOM_VAR_V?" ] // optional, allowlists environment variables that can be forwarded from clients to the host


Specifies whether to accept the connection or to perform additional checks on it.

  • accept accepts connections from users already authenticated in the tailnet.
  • check requires users to periodically reauthenticate according to the checkPeriod.


The source where a connection originates from. This can be a user, group, tag, user:*@<domain>, or autogroup. This cannot be a bare wildcard *.

Granting access to autogroup:members also allows access to external invited users if the destination node is shared with them, even if they have no nodes in your tailnet.


The destination where the connection goes. This can be a user, tag, or autogroup. Note that unlike ACLs, a port cannot be specified. Only port 22 is allowed, and does not need to be specified as it is used by default. This cannot be a bare wildcard *.


The set of allowed usernames on the host. Like other SSH clients, Tailscale will only use user accounts that already exist on the host, not create new accounts.

  • Specify autogroup:nonroot to allow any user that is not root.
  • Specify localpart:*@<domain> to allow the user on the host whose name matches the local-part of the user's login, if and only if the user's login email is in <domain>. Tailscale does not do any special processing on the local-part. For example, if the login is, Tailscale will map this to the ssh user dave+sshuser.
  • If no user is specified, Tailscale will use the local host’s user. That is, if the user is logged in as alice locally, then connects with SSH to another device, Tailscale SSH will try to log in as user alice.


When action is check, checkPeriod specifies the time period for which to allow a connection before requiring a check. This can be specified in minutes or hours, with a minimum of one minute and a maximum of 168 hours (one week).

  • If not specified, the default is 12 hours.
  • You may also specify always to require check mode on every connection. Choosing to always require check mode may cause unexpected behavior with automation tools that open many SSH connections in a short time span, like Ansible.


The host must be running Tailscale v1.76.0 or later to use acceptEnv.

Specifies the set of allowlisted environment variable names that clients can send to the host using SendEnv or SetEnv.

Values can contain * and ? wildcard characters. * matches zero or more characters and ? matches a single character.

acceptEnv examples

Order of evaluation

SSH access rules are evaluated considering the most restrictive policies first:

  • Check policies
  • Accept policies

For example, if you have an access rule allowing the user to access a resource with an accept rule, and a rule allowing group:devops which belongs to, to access a resource with a check rule, then the check rule applies.

The only kinds of connections that are allowed are:

  • From a user to their own devices, as any user including root.
  • From a user to a tagged device, as any user including root.
  • From a user to a shared tagged device, as any user including root.
  • From a tagged device to another tagged device, for any tags. Note that an SSH access rule from a tagged device cannot be in check mode.

That is, the broadest policy allowed would be:

	"acls": [
			"action": "accept",
			"src": ["*"],
			"dst": ["*:*"]
	"ssh": [
			"action": "accept",
			"src": ["autogroup:member"],
			"dst": ["autogroup:self"],
			"users": ["root", "autogroup:nonroot"]
			"action": "accept",
			"src": ["autogroup:member"],
			"dst": ["tag:prod"],
			"users": ["root", "autogroup:nonroot"]
			"action": "accept",
			"src": ["tag:logging"],
			"dst": ["tag:prod"],
			"users": ["root", "autogroup:nonroot"]

SSH access rules in default ACL

By default, new tailnets or existing tailnets that have not modified their ACLs have a usable but conservative Tailscale SSH access rule. Tailscale SSH is configured with a default policy to allow the user to access their own devices using check mode, as either root or non-root:

    "ssh": [
    { // any user can use Tailscale SSH to connect to their own devices
      // in check mode as a root or non-root user
      "action": "check",
      "src": ["autogroup:member"],
      "dst": ["autogroup:self"],
      "users": ["autogroup:nonroot", "root"]

This simplifies configuration for users who are less familiar with ACLs. You will still need to opt in a destination device.

Modifying the ACL for SSH overrides this default configuration, and removing it disables Tailscale SSH in your tailnet.

Important note about autogroup:nonroot

In the default ACL, the ssh rule uses autogroup:self for the dst field andautogroup:nonroot in the users field. If you change the dst field fromautogroup:self to some other destination, such as an ACL tag, also consider replacing autogroup:nonroot in the users field. If you don't removeautogroup:nonroot from the users field, then anyone permitted by the src setting will be able to SSH in as any nonroot user on the dst device.

SSH access rule examples

To allow a user to only SSH to their own devices, as non-root:

	"acls": [
			"action": "accept",
			"src": ["*"],
			"dst": ["*:*"]
	"ssh": [
			"action": "accept",
			"src": ["autogroup:member"],
			"dst": ["autogroup:self"],
			"users": ["autogroup:nonroot"]

To allow group:sre to access devices in the production environment tagged tag:prod:

	"groups": {
		"group:sre": ["", ""]
	"acls": [
			"action": "accept",
			"src": ["group:sre"],
			"dst": ["tag:prod:*"]
	"ssh": [
			"action": "accept",
			"src": ["group:sre"],
			"dst": ["tag:prod"],
			"users": ["ubuntu", "root"]
	"tagOwners": {
		// users in group:sre can apply the tag tag:prod
		"tag:prod": ["group:sre"]

It may be useful to match host users with login emails. For example, you can allow to authenticate as the host user dave. To allow any tailnet member in the login domain to access devices in the production environment tagged tag:prod, as a user that matches their login email local-part:

	"acls": [
			"action": "accept",
			"src": ["user:*"],
			"dst": ["tag:prod:*"]
	"ssh": [
			"action": "accept",
			"src": ["user:*"],
			"dst": ["tag:prod"],
			"users": ["localpart:*"]

Connect over SSH

Now that your ACL allows SSH, and the destination host has Tailscale configured with SSH, you should be able to use Tailscale SSH!

To connect to another host device in your tailnet:

ssh device

You can use the MagicDNS hostname to further shorten or simplify the device used in this command.

The MagicDNS hostname is automatically generated from the machine's name. You can edit the machine name if you want to use a different name.

To use a user different from the local user, specify the user, for example, ubuntu:

ssh ubuntu@device

You can also connect over SSH to a node that is tagged and has been shared with you, as long as the destination host has Tailscale configured with SSH and the destination's ACL lets you connect over SSH.

Transition from your existing SSH client to Tailscale SSH

When you enable Tailscale SSH, Tailscale claims port 22 for the Tailscale IP address (that is, only for traffic coming from your tailnet) on the devices for which you have enabled SSH, and routes SSH traffic for the device to an SSH server run by Tailscale, instead of your standard SSH server. Your SSH config (/etc/ssh/sshd_config) and keys (~/.ssh/authorized_keys) file will not be modified, which means that other SSH connections to the same host, not made over Tailscale, will still work.

Rotate keys

Re-authenticating on the device will generate a new node key pair, store the private key locally, and share the public key with Tailscale for distribution.

To generate new node and SSH host keys:

tailscale up --ssh --force-reauth

Disable Tailscale SSH

Disable Tailscale SSH from a device

Prior to disabling Tailscale SSH, ensure you have another way to SSH to the device, or else you may lose access to it.

Run tailscale up on the device with --ssh=false to disable Tailscale SSH:

tailscale up --ssh=false

Block other devices from connecting to your device over SSH

To disable Tailscale SSH on your device, re-authenticate the device with --ssh=false:

tailscale up --ssh=false

To block incoming connections from the tailnet to your device, including Tailscale SSH connections:

tailscale up --shields-up

Revoke a user’s ability to SSH

To remove a user’s ability to SSH to a device, modify the access rule specifying the user’s ability to SSH to the device. An update to ACLs will be pushed to the device, and remove the user’s access, almost instantaneously. You can still allow the user to connect to the device, but not use Tailscale SSH, if that is desired.

This will terminate existing SSH connections the user has established. The user will receive a message, “Access revoked”.

If a user has another way of accessing the device outside of Tailscale, such as their SSH key, this also needs to be removed or revoked.

Disable Tailscale SSH from your tailnet

To completely remove Tailscale SSH functionality from your tailnet:

  • Opt out every host from Tailscale SSH (tailscale up --ssh=false)
  • Remove SSH access rules for Tailscale SSH from the ACLs

You do not need to remove or modify other access rules if you still want users to be able to access the specified devices, but not using Tailscale SSH.


Tailscale SSH requires ACLs in the config file that allow and specify both the SSH source and destination. Additionally, Tailscale SSH must be enabled on the destination device.

If the ACL is missing, this can be changed in the tailnet policy file in the admin console. You need to be an Admin or Network admin in order to modify the tailnet policy file.

If SSH is not advertised on the device, connect to the device over Tailscale, then run tailscale up --ssh.

Configure Tailscale SSH with check mode

SSH check mode lets you require SSH connections to be further verified before establishing the connection. Check mode requires re-authentication on the device initiating the connection. The SSH initialization provides a URL for signing in. The sign-in attempt may also trigger any identity provider 2FA/MFA or other risk-based challenges.

Use check mode to require a user to re-authenticate before being able to establish a Tailscale SSH connection.

Example of check mode requiring a user to re-authenticate their session in a browser.

Once re-authenticated to a destination, the user can access the device and any other device in the tailnet without re-verification for the next 12 hours. If a different check period is specified for the connection, then the user can access specifically this device without re-verification for the duration of the check period. For example, if a check period of 10 minutes is specified, if the user has not re-authenticated within the last 10 minutes, they will be asked to re-authenticate even if they have re-authenticated within the last 12 hours.

Check mode is optional and not enabled by default. Check mode is only available for Tailscale SSH connections.

Check mode is controlled through ACL settings. The ssh rule must contain the action field, set to check:

"ssh": [
    "action": "check", // instead of "accept"
    "src": ["autogroup:member"],
    "dst": ["autogroup:self"],
    "users": ["autogroup:nonroot"],
    "checkPeriod": "5m", // optional, define in minutes, hours, or "always"

You can specify a custom check period in minutes or hours. The default check period is 12 hours. You may also specify "always" to require check mode on every connection. Choosing to always require check mode may cause unexpected behavior with automation tools that open many SSH connections in a short time span, such as Ansible.

For example, to require check mode for Alice to SSH to devices tagged tag:prod as root and re-authenticate after 1h, but not require check mode for her to SSH to her own devices as non root:

	"acls": [
			// All users can connect to all devices using Tailscale
			"action": "accept",
			"src": ["*"],
			"dst": ["*:*"]
	"ssh": [
			// Alice can use Tailscale SSH to connect to her own devices as a non-root user
			"action": "accept",
			"src": [""],
			"dst": ["autogroup:self"],
			"users": ["autogroup:nonroot"]
			// Alice can use Tailscale SSH to connect to devices with tag:prod as root user using check mode, with a check period of 1 hour
			"action": "check",
			"src": [""],
			"dst": ["tag:prod"],
			"users": ["root"],
			"checkPeriod": "1h"



  • You can currently use Tailscale SSH to connect to only devices on your Tailscale network. Devices available behind subnet routers, but not running Tailscale, cannot use Tailscale SSH.
  • You can currently use Tailscale SSH to connect to only Linux devices and macOS open source tailscale + tailscaled CLI version devices. You can connect from any device running Tailscale, regardless of platform.
  • You cannot run Tailscale SSH on Synology or QNAP devices.
  • Restarting the Tailscale daemon (tailscaled), for example, by performing an upgrade, will terminate any existing Tailscale SSH session.


Tailscale SSH assumes you use port 22 for SSH. At this time, there is no way to configure Tailscale SSH to use a different port.

SSH users

SSH access rules are evaluated based on their restrictiveness, so if both a check and an accept rule exist for a given connection, the check rule applies. This means that the user will be restricted by the SSH users in the check rule only, not also considering those allowed in the accept rule.

SSH tests

You can write SSH tests to assert that your SSH access rules are working as expected.

Check mode

  • You can use check mode only on Tailscale SSH connections, not for plain SSH or other TCP connections running over Tailscale.

OS user authentication on the client

Traditional SSH requires a local OS user on the client machine to be able to read their SSH key pair from files on disk. This effectively restricts which client-side OS users can SSH to remote machines.

Because Tailscale doesn't use a local SSH key pair for authentication, any OS user on the client machine can connect to SSH servers over Tailscale. The scope of this access is still restricted by Tailscale ACLs, which are enforced on the server side.

Tailscale SSH is an improvement over traditional SSH for:

  • servers and containers that use a single system user to run workloads
  • single-user machines, like employees' laptops
  • any machines that don't allow outbound SSH connections in Tailscale ACLs

Tailscale SSH may not be a good fit for:

  • multi-user machines, where OS users on those machines have different SSH access permissions in Tailscale ACLs
  • machines that have outbound Tailscale SSH access, where you do not trust the code running on those machines
  • machines where you use authorized_keys to limit what commands remote users can run

You can mitigate this concern by using check mode with checkPeriod set to always, which will prompt for SSO-based approval on every new connection.

If Tailscale SSH is not a good fit for your needs, you can still run traditional SSH servers and clients on top of Tailscale as the network layer. This provides you the standard SSH experience without exposing your servers to the internet.