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Send Tailscale SSH session recordings to S3

By default, Tailscale SSH session recording will save recordings to the Docker host's filesystem. While this is a fast and straightforward way to deploy session recorders, you may want to use a more scalable and resilient storage solution like AWS S3.

You can configure session recorder nodes to send recordings to AWS S3 or another S3-compatible object storage service such as MinIO, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, or Cloudflare R2.

If you deploy recorder nodes with the built-in web UI enabled, users can view recordings stored in S3 in the web UI.

Configure S3 as storage for session recording nodes


To configure S3 as the backend storage for session recording, you must have access to an AWS account with permission to create:

  • S3 buckets
  • IAM policies
  • IAM users
  • IAM user access keys

Create an IAM policy and user

Create the following IAM policy in your AWS account. Replace <bucket-name> with the name of your S3 bucket on both lines of the Resource section.

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": [

If you are running the recorder nodes without the built-in web UI, you can omit s3:GetObject and s3:ListBucket from this policy. s3:PutObject and s3:GetBucketLocation are always required.

Assign this policy to a new IAM user, and create an access key for this user.

Deploy the recorder node

Deploying a recorder node with S3 as the storage backend is similar to the standard filesystem deployment. You'll need to add your IAM user credentials, and the S3 bucket information.

docker run --name tsrecorder --rm -it \
  -v $HOME/tsrecorder:/data \
  tailscale/tsrecorder:stable \
  /tsrecorder --dst='s3://' --statedir=/data/state \
  --bucket=$S3_BUCKET_NAME --ui \

Required flags:

  • --dst Specifies where recordings will be saved. Accepts a local file path or an S3 region URL.
  • --statedir Specifies where the recorder should store its internal state. Accepts a local file path.

Optional flags:

  • --hostname Specifies a hostname to use for the recorder node. Defaults to recorder.
  • --access-key The AWS access key for an IAM user that can upload recordings to an S3 bucket. Required when using S3 as a storage backend. You can alternatively define the secret access key as an environment variable, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
  • --secret-key The AWS secret access key for an IAM user that can upload recordings to an S3 bucket. Required when using S3 as a storage backend. You can alternatively define the secret access key as an environment variable, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
  • --bucket The name of the S3 bucket where the recorder should upload recordings. Required when using S3 as a storage backend.
  • --ui Enables the recorder container web UI for viewing recorded SSH sessions. Defaults to false if this flag is not present.
    • If you deploy the recorder with the UI, you must have HTTPS enabled in your tailnet.
    • If you enable the recorder container web UI, you should restrict access to port 443 on the recorder in your ACLs to prevent unauthorized members of your tailnet from viewing sensitive recordings.

There are multiple ways to define the AWS IAM credentials needed to connect to an S3 bucket. In order of precedence, they are:

  1. Specify --access-key and --secret-key
  3. Specify none of the above, and be on an EC2 instance with the right permissions.

Cloudflare R2 Compatibility

Cloudflare R2 Storage provides an S3-compatible API; however, an additional setting is needed due to differences in their implementation. To use Cloudflare R2 as the storage service for session recordings set the environment variable S3_SEND_CONTENT_MD5 to true in addition to any environment variables you are already passing.