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Uninstalling Tailscale

Here's how to uninstall Tailscale from your device, or completely reset Tailscale for debugging purposes.

Tailscale is a standard Mac App Store app, and can be easily uninstalled from Launchpad.

If you'd like to completely delete Tailscale, destroying any state or local information, you can also take the following steps:

  1. Remove the files at the following paths:

  2. macOS 13.0 or later: Open System Settings > Network > VPN. Look for Tailscale Tunnel in the list of services. If it's there, click the circled i and then click the Remove Configuration button . Be sure to apply your changes.

    Previous macOS versions: Open System Preferences > Network. Look for Tailscale Tunnel in the list of services. If it's there, remove it by selecting it and pressing the - button at the bottom. Be sure to apply your changes.

  3. Open Keychain Access and search for "tailscale", and delete any entries you see. This includes tailscale-machinekey, tailscale-logdata and tailscale-preferences.

After taking these steps, if you install Tailscale on this device again at a later time, it will have a new IP address.