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Managing Access to Kubernetes with Tailscale

Load Balancers have been the traditional approach when sharing Kubernetes workloads. However, using Tailscale, you can share access to Kubernetes resources without having to expose it to the world. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to handle Kubernetes access with Tailscale.

Written By
James Walker

Gaining external access to workloads running in a Kubernetes cluster usually requires you to expose them via a load balancer. Load balancer services route traffic into your cluster by provisioning a load balancer resource in your cloud account and then assigning its public IP address to the service.

Opening up access this way means you're exposing a new IP to the internet, though—bad actors could discover your load balancer and direct malicious traffic to your Kubernetes cluster. If there's a zero-day vulnerability in the Kubernetes networking layer, your workloads could even be compromised.

Installing Tailscale in your cluster allows you to safely expose cluster access without the risks of using load balancers. Tailscale is an enterprise-grade VPN solution that provides effortless and safe remote access to your shared resources from anywhere, even if users are on an insecure physical network.

Tailscale can be connected to Kubernetes in several different ways—as a proxy, sidecar or subnet router, or using the recently-launched Kubernetes operator which makes connections simple and secure. We’ll explore all these options later in this article.

Once you've added Tailscale to your cluster, you can make your Kubernetes resources available in your private tailnet. This lets you access them securely from any of your other Tailscale devices. Kubernetes pods become ephemeral tailnet nodes.

You can then use existing Tailscale features to manage access to your Kubernetes resources. As all communication occurs through Tailscale, interactions will also be fully encrypted and logged as audit events to support your compliance requirements.

In this guide, you'll see how to set up a fresh Kubernetes cluster and connect it to your Tailscale network. By following the steps below, you'll be able to reach your cluster from any device with the Tailscale client installed. Let's get started.

Creating a Tailscale Account

First, head to Tailscale's sign-up page and create your free account. You'll need to choose one of the supported identity providers, such as Apple, Google, or Microsoft.

Tailscale sign-up page
Tailscale sign-up page

Once you've created your account, follow the prompts to install the Tailscale client on your device, then log in to your account.

Tailscale client installation instructions
Tailscale client installation instructions

Your device should appear on Tailscale's Machines page:

Tailscale Machines page
Tailscale Machines page

Setting Up a Local Kubernetes Cluster

Now you're ready to start setting up Kubernetes.

For this tutorial, you'll set up a new single-node local Kubernetes cluster to experiment with. Ordinarily, this cluster would only be accessible on your own machine. But using Tailscale makes it easy to give other devices in your tailnet secure access to your cluster

minikube is a compact Kubernetes distribution that works on Linux, macOS, and Windows. It uses containerization or virtualization to host your cluster. Follow the guidance in the documentation to install the minikube CLI, then run minikube start to create your cluster:

$ minikube start
😄  minikube v1.29.0 on Ubuntu 22.04 (kvm/amd64)
✨  Automatically selected the docker driver. Other choices: kvm2, qemu2, ssh
📌  Using Docker driver with root privileges
👍  Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube
🚜  Pulling base image ...
🔥  Creating docker container (CPUs=2, Memory=2200MB) ...
🐳  Preparing Kubernetes v1.26.1 on Docker 20.10.23 ...
    ▪ Generating certificates and keys ...
    ▪ Booting up control plane ...
    ▪ Configuring RBAC rules ...
🔗  Configuring bridge CNI (Container Networking Interface) ...
    ▪ Using image
🔎  Verifying Kubernetes components...
🌟  Enabled addons: storage-provisioner, default-storageclass

🏄  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube" cluster and "default" namespace by default

Creating a Sample App

Now that Kubernetes is running, create a sample application to run in your cluster and expose in Tailscale.

Copy the following YAML manifest and save it to app.yaml in your working directory:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx
    app: nginx
  replicas: 1
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
        - name: nginx
          image: nginx:latest
            - containerPort: 80


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginxpod
    app: nginx
    - port: 80
      targetPort: 80

The manifest defines a deployment of the Nginx web server that's exposed by a service.

Use kubectl to create the resources:

$ kubectl apply -f app.yaml
deployment.apps/nginx created
service/nginx created

You should see that your pod and service now both exist in your cluster:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-6b7f675859-sltwh   1/1     Running   0          58s

$ kubectl get services
nginx        ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    86s

Deploy Tailscale in Your Kubernetes Cluster

Now you're ready to start adding Tailscale to your cluster.

First, create an auth key that will be used by the Tailscale service that's deployed into the cluster. The key will allow Tailscale to authenticate new devices in your tailnet (*ie* your Kubernetes resources) without requiring interactive login in a web browser.

Head to Settings > Keys in the Tailscale web interface, then click the Generate auth key… button to the right of the screen:

accessing the Keys page in the Tailscale web interface
accessing the Keys page in the Tailscale web interface

Next, fill out the form to configure your key. Add a description, such as kubernetes, and enable the Reusable option—without it, the key can only add a single resource to your tailnet, which will be inconvenient for busy Kubernetes clusters.

creating a new auth key in the Tailscale web interface
creating a new auth key in the Tailscale web interface

Your key's value will be displayed after you press the blue Generate key button at the bottom of the form. Note the value down as you won't be able to retrieve it after you leave the page. If you forget the key, you'll have to generate a new one.

Next, you need to add your key to a secret in your Kubernetes cluster. Your Tailscale pod will access the secret when it needs to authenticate to your Tailscale account. Secrets are Kubernetes API objects that are designed to store small amounts of sensitive data, such as your Tailscale key.

Copy the following YAML manifest and save it to tailscale-secret.yaml in your working directory:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: tailscale-auth
  TS_AUTHKEY: tskey-0123456789abcdef

Replace the value of the stringData.TS_AUTHKEY field with your real Tailscale auth key that you generated in the previous steps.

Run the following kubectl command to add the secret to your Kubernetes cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f tailscale-secret.yaml
secret/tailscale-auth created

Next, you must create a Kubernetes service account, role, and role binding to configure role-based access control (RBAC) for your Tailscale deployment. You'll run your Tailscale pods as this new service account. The pods will be able to use the granted RBAC permissions to perform limited interactions with your Kubernetes cluster.

Copy the following YAML manifest to tailscale-rbac.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: tailscale


kind: Role
  name: tailscale
  - apiGroups: [""]
    resourceNames: ["tailscale-auth"]
    resources: ["secrets"]
    verbs: ["get", "update", "patch"]


kind: RoleBinding
  name: tailscale
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: tailscale
  kind: Role
  name: tailscale

The role allows your tailscale service account to retrieve and modify the tailscale-auth secret you created earlier, which is required for Tailscale to function.

Use kubectl to create the Service Account, Role, and RoleBinding in your cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f tailscale-rbac.yaml
serviceaccount/tailscale created created created

Understanding Tailscale Kubernetes Deployment Types

The prerequisites are now ready so that you can deploy Tailscale to Kubernetes—but first, you need to choose which deployment type you want.

Tailscale for Kubernetes supports three different operating modes that let you choose the level of exposure you require for your cluster:

  • Proxy: Tailscale proxies traffic to one of your Kubernetes services. Your tailnet devices can communicate with the service but not with any other Kubernetes resources. Tailscale users can reach the service using the proxy's name.
  • Sidecar: Tailscale runs as a sidecar next to a specific pod in your cluster. It lets you expose that pod on your tailnet without allowing access to any others. Tailscale users can connect to the pod using its name.
  • Subnet router: A subnet router deployment exposes your entire Kubernetes cluster network in your tailnet. Your Tailscale devices can connect to any pod or service in your cluster, provided that applicable Kubernetes network policies and Tailscale access controls allow it.

For each sidebar, proxy, and subnet router you want to use, you need to create a new Tailscale pod running the official Docker image.

If you've got specific services or pods to share, you should use sidecars and proxies to add them to Tailscale. When teams use Kubernetes for development and regularly create new resources or perform cluster-level operations, subnet routing lets you integrate your cluster into your tailnet.

Let's explore each of these deployment types in turn.

Using Tailscale's Kubernetes Operator

Tailscale's new Kubernetes operator makes it even easier to add your cluster services and control plane to your Tailscale network. Instead of manually configuring a Tailscale Proxy or Subnet Router deployment, you can use simple Kubernetes annotations to expose your services.

The operator requires some additional configuration steps but then provides a simpler management experience for the most common Kubernetes workloads. It runs in your cluster and automatically detects when Kubernetes resources are added, changed, and removed. It then applies the relevant changes to your Tailscale network.

You need Tailscale version v1.50 or later to use it.

Preparing the Operator

You must set up new Tailscale ACL policy rules to get started. These are required so that tailnet devices added by the operator can be identified as belonging to its ownership.

First, head to the Access Controls screen in your Tailscale admin console. Uncomment the tagOwners section and define the k8s-operator and k8s tags, with k8s-operator registered as an owner of k8s:

  "tagOwners": {
	"tag:k8s-operator": [],
	"tag:k8s": ["tag:k8s-operator"]
configuring the Tailscale Operator ACL rules
configuring the Tailscale Operator ACL rules

Next, a new OAuth client is required to authenticate the operator to your Tailscale account and allow it to register new devices. Navigate to the admin console's Settings > OAuth clients page and click the Generate OAuth client… button:

OAuth clients page in the Tailscale admin console
OAuth clients page in the Tailscale admin console

Give your OAuth client a name using the form’s description field, then enable the Read and Write scopes for the Devices role. When the Write scope is expanded, a Tags field will appear. Select the tag:k8s-operator tag created earlier from the dropdown to ensure devices created by the operator will have the tag assigned.

generating an OAuth client for the Tailscale Operator in Kubernetes
generating an OAuth client for the Tailscale Operator in Kubernetes

Press the blue Generate client button at the bottom of the form to complete the process.

Your new OAuth client's Client ID and Client Secret will be displayed—copy these values now as you'll need them in the next step.

Note that the client secret can't be retrieved again after you dismiss the popup.

Installing the Operator

You're now ready to install the Tailscale Operator in your Kubernetes cluster. It's easiest to use the official Helm chart to automate the install process.

First, register the chart's repository with your local Helm client:

# Add the repository
$ helm repo add tailscale

# Update your client’s package list
$ helm repo update

Next, run the following command to install the operator:

$ helm upgrade --install tailscale-operator tailscale/tailscale-operator \
  --namespace=tailscale \
  --create-namespace \
  --set-string oauth.clientId=<oauth_client_id> \
  --set-string oauth.clientSecret=<oauth_client_secret> \
Release "tailscale-operator" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: tailscale-operator
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Dec 22 09:03:21 2023
NAMESPACE: tailscale
STATUS: deployed
$ helm upgrade --install tailscale-operator tailscale/tailscale-operator \
  --namespace=tailscale \
  --create-namespace \
  --set-string oauth.clientId=<oauth_client_id> \
  --set-string oauth.clientSecret=<oauth_client_secret> \
Release "tailscale-operator" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: tailscale-operator
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Dec 22 09:03:21 2023
NAMESPACE: tailscale
STATUS: deployed

It uses Helm to install the Helm chart as a release called tailscale-operator inside the tailscale namespace. You must replace the <oauth_client_id> and <oauth_client_secret> placeholders with the real values you noted down at the end of the previous section.tailscale-operator inside the tailscale namespace. You must replace the <oauth_client_id> and <oauth_client_secret> placeholders with the real values you noted down at the end of the previous section.

Use Kubectl to check that the operator's pod transitions to the Running state successfully:

$ kubectl get pods -n tailscale
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
operator-6d5495994-79684   1/1     Running   0          12s

Back in your Tailscale account, you should see the operator join your network as a machine with the k8s-operator tag applied:

demo Kubernetes Operator installation registered in the author’s Tailscale account
demo Kubernetes Operator installation registered in the author’s Tailscale account

Now you can begin using the Operator to expose Kubernetes resources in your tailnet.

Exposing a Kubernetes Service Using the Operator

The operator includes extensive functionality to support different Kubernetes networking use cases. For this article, we're going to show a basic demo that exposes a simple service in your tailnet, but you can find more information on all the supported usage modes in the Operator's documentation.

The YAML manifest below is a variant of the NGINX deployment and service created earlier. However, a new annotation has been added (under the service's metadata.annotations field), which automatically exposes the service in your tailnet. After you add the service to your cluster, the Tailscale Operator will detect the annotation's presence and automatically set up an appropriate route.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx
    app: nginx
  replicas: 1
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
        - name: nginx
          image: nginx:latest
            - containerPort: 80


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginx
  annotations: "true"
    app: nginx
    - port: 80
      targetPort: 80

Save the YAML to app-operator.yaml and use Kubectl to apply it to your cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f app-operator.yaml
service/nginx created

You should see the service appear as a new machine in your Tailscale admin console:

demo Kubernetes Service registered as a Tailscale machine in the admin console
demo Kubernetes Service registered as a Tailscale machine in the admin console

Kubernetes services exposed by annotations are automatically assigned DNS names in namespace_name-service_name format. Now you can reach your service from the other devices in your tailnet:

$ curl http://default-nginx
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>

You've successfully used the Tailscale Operator to add a Kubernetes Service to your tailnet without having to manually configure any extra resources in your cluster.

Proxy Deployments

Deploying Tailscale in proxy mode makes a Kubernetes service accessible on your Tailnet.

First, retrieve the cluster IP address that's assigned to your nginx service:

$ kubectl get services nginx
nginx        ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    2d19h

In this case, the service's IP address is

Next, save the following sample manifest to tailscale-proxy.yaml, but remember to replace <YOUR_SERVICE_IP> with your service's actual IP address:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: tailscale-proxy
  serviceAccountName: tailscale
    - name: sysctler
      image: busybox:latest
        privileged: true
      command: ["/bin/sh"]
        - -c
        - sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
    - name: tailscale
        - name: TS_KUBE_SECRET
          value: tailscale-auth
        - name: TS_AUTHKEY
              name: tailscale-auth
              key: TS_AUTHKEY
        - name: TS_USERSPACE
          value: "false"
        - name: TS_DEST_IP
          value: <YOUR_SERVICE_IP>
            - NET_ADMIN

This manifest has a few important fields:

  • spec.serviceAccountName is set to the name of the service account you created earlier, ensuring the pod runs as that service account.
  • spec.initContainers defines a single init container that configures the container to enable IP forwarding. It's required for Tailscale to work as a proxy.
  • spec.containers.env provides several environment variables that configure the Tailscale Pod. TS_KUBE_SECRET declares the name of your tailscale-auth secret, while TS_AUTHKEY is set to your Tailscale API key (extracted from the secret). The TS_USERSPACE variable specifies not to use userspace networking mode, which isn't required when Tailscale is proxying to a specific destination.
  • The TS_DEST_IP variable tells Tailscale which Kubernetes service to route traffic to. This is set to the service IP you identified above.
  • Finally, the pod's security context is amended to include the NET_ADMIN capability. This allows Tailscale to perform advanced network stack interactions, including modification of network interfaces.

Use kubectl to deploy the Tailscale pod:

$ kubectl apply -f tailscale-proxy.yaml
pod/tailscale-proxy created

Wait until the pod is running:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-6b7f675859-sltwh   1/1     Running   0          2d19h
tailscale-proxy          1/1     Running   0          36s

Your new proxy should appear in your Tailscale dashboard:

Tailscale's Machines page showing a Kubernetes service proxy machine
Tailscale's Machines page showing a Kubernetes service proxy machine

Now you can use your proxy to access your Kubernetes service from any of the devices in your Tailscale network. Tailscale automatically configures a DNS entry with a name that matches your Tailscale pod's name—in our example, this is tailscale-proxy:

$ curl http://tailscale-proxy
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>

This response demonstrates that Tailscale is proxying traffic to the application service. You can now access the service from your Tailscale devices, but you haven't had to publicly expose the Kubernetes cluster or manually configure port forwarding.

Sidecar Deployments

The sidecar deployment method lets you add a specific pod to your Tailscale network. Tailscale is deployed as a container in the pod alongside your existing application container (which is Nginx in this example).

To see this in action, copy the following manifest and save it as tailscale-sidecar.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx-with-tailscale
  serviceAccountName: tailscale
    - name: nginx
      image: nginx:latest
        - containerPort: 80
    - name: tailscale-sidebar
        - name: TS_KUBE_SECRET
          value: tailscale-auth
        - name: TS_AUTHKEY
              name: tailscale-auth
              key: TS_AUTHKEY
        - name: TS_USERSPACE
          value: "false"
            - NET_ADMIN
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx-with-tailscale
  serviceAccountName: tailscale
    - name: nginx
      image: nginx:latest
        - containerPort: 80
    - name: tailscale-sidebar
        - name: TS_KUBE_SECRET
          value: tailscale-auth
        - name: TS_AUTHKEY
              name: tailscale-auth
              key: TS_AUTHKEY
        - name: TS_USERSPACE
          value: "false"
            - NET_ADMIN

The Tailscale container configuration is very similar to that of proxy mode. However, the TS_DEST_IP environment variable has been removed—because Tailscale is a sidecar to its own pod, not a proxy to a service—and the init container is no longer required as no IP forwarding will occur.TS_DEST_IP environment variable has been removed—because Tailscale is a sidecar to its own pod, not a proxy to a service—and the init container is no longer required as no IP forwarding will occur.

Use kubectl to deploy this manifest to start a second Nginx pod in your cluster that includes a Tailscale sidecar:

$ kubectl apply -f tailscale-sidecar.yaml
pod/tailscale-sidecar created

Once the pod is running, your sidecar will appear on your Tailscale Machines page:

Tailscale's Machines page showing a Kubernetes sidecar machine
Tailscale's Machines page showing a Kubernetes sidecar machine

The devices in your Tailscale network can now communicate with your Kubernetes pod. Your Tailscale client will automatically configure a DNS entry on your device that resolves the Tailscale pod's name to the proxy target in your cluster—the pod's name is nginx-with-tailscale in this example:

$ curl http://nginx-with-tailscale
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>

Subnet Router Deployments

Deploying Tailscale in subnet router mode lets your Tailscale devices connect to any of the cluster IPs in your Kubernetes cluster—without having to manually create a proxy or sidecar for each one.

The following manifest creates a pod that starts Tailscale in subnet router mode. Copy the manifest and save it to tailscale-subnet.yaml in your working directory, ready to add to your cluster:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: tailscale-subnet
  serviceAccountName: tailscale
    - name: tailscale
        - name: TS_KUBE_SECRET
          value: tailscale-auth
        - name: TS_AUTHKEY
              name: tailscale-auth
              key: TS_AUTHKEY
        - name: TS_ROUTES
          value: "<POD_IP_RANGE>,<SERVICE_IP_RANGE>"
        - name: TS_USERSPACE
          value: "true"
        # Run as a non-root user to mitigate privilege escalation attack attempts
        runAsUser: 1000
        runAsGroup: 1000

This time, the Tailscale container has an extra TS_ROUTES environment variable, which should be a comma-separated list of the pod and service IP address CIDR ranges enabled for your cluster. Tailscale will create routes in your tailnet that cover these ranges.

To find the correct values for <POD_IP_RANGE> and <SERVICE_IP_RANGE>, you'll need to check the documentation from your cluster's provider or CNI networking plugin. The minikube cluster used in this tutorial defaults to a pod IP range of, while the service range is

- name: TS_ROUTES
  value: ","

Unlike the proxy and sidecar modes, subnet routing depends on the TS_USERSPACE environment variable being set to true so that Tailscale switches to userspace networking mode. It's required because subnet routing normally uses a VPN tunnel device, but it's not supported in container environments. Userspace mode makes Tailscale use a SOCKS5 or HTTP proxy instead.

Deploy your pod using kubectl:

$ tailscale apply -f tailscale-subnet.yaml
pod/tailscale-subnet created

Your new subnet should appear in Tailscale's Machines list. You'll need to manually approve the subnet routes by clicking the three dots to the right of the device's table entry and then selecting Edit route settings…:

viewing the subnet on the Tailscale Machines page
viewing the subnet on the Tailscale Machines page

Use the toggle buttons to enable both the routes that you defined:

enabling subnet routes in Tailscale
enabling subnet routes in Tailscale

Now you can connect to your Kubernetes pods and services using their in-cluster IP addresses from any device in your Tailscale network:

$ kubectl get service
nginx        ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    2d22h

$ curl
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>

Note: If the IP address doesn't resolve, check that your Tailscale client is configured to accept subnet routes. Linux devices must explicitly pass the --accept-routes flag each time the tailscale up command is used.

Controlling Kubernetes Resource Access with Tailscale ACLs

Once you've connected your Kubernetes resources to your Tailscale network, you can limit who can access them by setting up Tailscale access control lists (ACLs).

ACLs are configured as JSON files that contain your policies. To edit your ACLs, head to the Access Controls page in your Tailscale account. Type or paste your rules into the editor pane, then click Save to apply your changes.

Screenshot of Tailscale's ACL editing page
Screenshot of Tailscale's ACL editing page

The following sample ACL enforces that only the user can access routes that fall within your Kubernetes cluster's service IP range:

  "acls": [
      "action": "accept",
      "src": [""],
      "dst": ["*"]

The Tailscale documentation provides more detailed information on managing ACLs.


Tailscale secures remote access to your shared resources and infrastructure components, including Kubernetes clusters. In this article, you've seen how Tailscale lets you share your Kubernetes workloads without having to expose the cluster using a publicly accessible load balancer service.

Deploying Tailscale into Kubernetes makes your cluster resources part of your Tailscale tailnet, which simplifies securely using Kubernetes with multiple team members across different working locations. Instead of modifying Kubernetes RBAC rules by hand, you can use existing Tailscale features such as access control lists (ACLs) to limit which users and devices can interact with your Kubernetes workloads.

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