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Network flow logs is generally available

June 29 2023
Pouyan AminianJairo Camacho
Pouyan Aminian & Jairo Camacho

We are pleased to announce the general availability of network flow logs and log streaming. Network flow logs allow Tailscale customers to monitor the network activity in their tailnet. These logs can help detect threats, investigate security incidents, and maintain compliance standards outlined in security policies. 

Network flow logs record the metadata about your network traffic. Your connections on Tailscale are (and remain) end-to-end encrypted and we never log the content of your network traffic, nor do we have access to do so. 

Customers on our Premium and Enterprise plan can enable network flow logs. Log streaming for both network flow logs and configuration audit logs is available for customers on our Enterprise plans.

To get started, read the documentation on logging and events.

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