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Blog|October 31, 2023

Mesh your Kubernetes cluster to the rest of your network with the Tailscale Kubernetes operator


Tailscale is a programmable network that lets you manage connections between your resources in a declarative way using ACLs, so you can define specifically which users should be able to connect to which services in your environment. Although Tailscale isn’t a service mesh per se, you can use it to connect Kubernetes services to each other. Tailscale is infrastructure agnostic — it allows you to connect your resources together no matter where they’re running, whether that’s in the cloud or on prem, in VMs or containers, at home or at work.

Today, we’re releasing the Tailscale Kubernetes operator to beta. This allows you to more easily deploy Tailscale to your Kubernetes network in order to expose services in your cluster to your tailnet and egress from a cluster to a service on your tailnet, as well as to access the kube-apiserver securely.

Meshes aren’t just for containers

Service meshes are typically used to instrument, secure and route traffic between services running inside a Kubernetes cluster. As the name implies, they operate in a distributed mesh to avoid introducing a single point of failure in the system.  

Tailscale is also a mesh network, and as such shares a lot of similarities with service meshes. Tailscale provides security and networking between your users and services — these don’t have to be containerized services — they can be running in different clouds or datacenters, or be end user devices like iPhones. Connections are peer to peer, and your traffic flows are monitored and end-to-end encrypted.

At the core Tailscale and service meshes solve different problems using similar technologies, but can also interoperate to allow you to move your mesh beyond just containers to any workload, and also lets your dev team connect to those workloads.

Connect Kubernetes services to the rest of your network

You can use Tailscale to connect your containerized workloads to other workloads in your environment — even if they’re not running in the same Kubernetes cluster.

You can use the Tailscale Kubernetes operator to expose a service running on your Kubernetes cluster to your tailnet — that is, to non containerized workloads. For example, you might want to allow an on prem service to access a service running in a cluster in one of the public clouds, enable an engineer to access a CI/CD pipeline running in a cluster, or just expose an internal-only service running in a cluster to your employees. This can be done in a few ways: applying annotations on an existing Kubernetes service, making the service a LoadBalancer type with the tailscale loadBalancerClass, or creating a Kubernetes ingress resource fronting a service. When configured using an ingress resource, you also get the ability to identify callers using HTTP headers injected by the ingress proxy.

With the Kubernetes operator, to expose a Kubernetes service to your tailnet using loadBalancerClass, edit the service and make it a load balancer:

  1. Set spec.type to LoadBalancer.
  2. Set spec.loadBalancerClass to tailscale.

This will deploy the service as a loadBalancerClass in your cluster, and make it available to your tailnet. You can manage which services on your tailnet can access it by modifying ACLs.

You can also use the Tailscale Kubernetes operator for the inverse — to egress traffic from your Kubernetes cluster to a service you have running elsewhere, such as a database or image registry. This is similarly done by deploying a Tailscale proxy in the cluster which directs incoming traffic to the specified tailnet IP address. This exposes the specified IP address as just another Service inside your cluster. 

With the Kubernetes operator, to advertise a service external to your cluster, create a Kubernetes Service of type ExternalName annotated with the Tailscale IP address of the service you want to make available:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    tailscale.com/tailnet-ip: // Tailscale IP address or subnet
  name: nginx // service name
  externalName: unused // any value - will be overwritten by operator
  type: ExternalName

Then, wait for the Tailscale Kubernetes operator to deploy the proxy in the tailscale namespace, and to update the spec.externalName of the Kubernetes Service. It will get set to the DNS name of the egress proxy that Tailscale operator creates.

With the ingress and egress proxy building blocks, you are also able to expose services running in one cluster to another cluster — you can even peer across clouds or hosted Kubernetes providers. For each pair of services, you will need to set up cluster ingress and egress as described above.

Securely connect to the Kubernetes control plane

You can also use the Tailscale Kubernetes operator to expose and access the Kubernetes control plane (kube-apiserver) over Tailscale. Giving your DevOps team secure, direct access to a cluster’s control plane is not always straightforward — especially if you’re hosting the cluster yourself, and not using a managed Kubernetes provider. Tailscale is particularly useful for exposing the kube-apiserver without having to expose it to the internet, as it allows direct connections to infrastructure, even behind firewalls and NATs.

With the Kubernetes operator, you can use the API server proxy with or without impersonation  headers. If you’re self-hosting a cluster, this provides you a way to add authentication to your requests, and users will hit the kube-apiserver with the same user identity they have in Tailscale. If you’re using a managed cluster, or already have a way to authenticate users to your cluster’s control plane, then you can just use Tailscale to help with connectivity, and not also authentication.

To get started, deploy the Tailscale Kubernetes operator using a Helm chart or by using a manifest file. We’re working on hosting this Helm chart for easy access. Make sure to generate an OAuth client with the Devices scopes, and store the client ID and secret securely.

The Tailscale Kubernetes operator makes it easier to get started with Tailscale in Kubernetes, and means less overhead in setup — the operator will spin up and take down proxies as your team exposes services, so you don’t have to manually clean them up. If you prefer to set up Tailscale manually, though, you can also use Tailscale to enable access to Kubernetes resources by deploying Tailscale as a sidecar, proxy, or subnet router.

To learn more about the Tailscale Kubernetes operator and set it up, see the documentation.



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