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Blog|March 18, 2020

Hello from Tailscale


We have some catching up to do. Tailscale opened our waitlist for signups in April 2019, almost a year ago, but we haven’t shared much news! It’s time to rectify that.

Over the past 11 months we’ve grown the team and narrowed our focus to just one core product: a company-wide mesh overlay network based on the WireGuard® VPN.

What that actually means: Tailscale connects all your devices, servers, routers, and locations together into a single, encrypted, virtual network, authenticated using your existing 2-factor auth system (like GSuite, Office365, or Okta), and with no need for special router hardware or infrastructure. It’s a bit like a VPN, but without the key management or server, and with the ability to connect to multiple locations at once. Or like software-defined networking (SD-WAN), but including even your employees’ personal devices like Windows, macOS, and iOS. Or like Zero Trust Networks and BeyondCorp, but at the IP layer instead of only HTTP, so it works even with legacy and real-time apps. Or like a firewall, but without a physical firewall appliance. And it’s so easy that you can install it for personal use in 5 minutes or less.

Anyway, you can find the latest information at the new, including pricing information and our Linux (and BSD), Windows, macOS, and iOS apps. We also have an Android app in the works.

Open source release

As of the beginning of March, the Tailscale command line client is available as open source on GitHub. We’re working closely with the maintainers of WireGuard-Go to ensure our new features and bug fixes make it upstream.

Tailscale Blog

Plus! Just now, we launched our Tailscale blog (the very blog you’re reading this on!) to collect various opinions and updates from our whole team. If you’re old school like us, you can subscribe to it using RSS (try a reader like Inoreader or Feedly). You can also get updates on our Twitter, or via our newsletter.

Some of our posts you might’ve missed:

One last request: we’re collecting Tailscale case studies, interesting use cases and project summaries. If you have anything to share, please send it to us at

Thanks for following along. And we have more updates to share with you all soon — a lot sooner than 11 months.



Avery Pennarun HeadshotAvery Pennarun

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