[Aug 6 Webinar] Scaling Tailscale programmatically with IaC
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March Tailscale newsletter

April 06 2022
Laura Franzese
Laura Franzese

👉 If you’d like to be a part of our new User Experience research please fill out this short form and we’ll be in touch. (And yes, if you participate we’ll send you some Tailscale swag.)

We took a brief break from your inbox at the end of February. But we’re back to making the Internet a bit more human and sharing some of the meaningful contributions from our community that help make that possible.

Let’s jump in:

Around the internet

What’s new and improved

  • ACL tags are generally available
    What does this mean for you? You can include tags as part of an authentication key, you can tag devices from the admin console, and tags can be owners of other tags. And we’ve further locked down ACL tags, so that authentication is required when re-tagging a device. ACL tags are a free feature, available in all pricing tiers.

  • Auto approvers for routes and exit nodes
    We’ve introduced the concepts of auto approvers for routes and exit nodes. This lets you specify in your ACL file which users can self-approve routes and exit nodes. You can now set up a subnet router or an exit node with just one CLI command on the device.

  • Tagged nodes no longer need key renewal
    Tagged devices now have key expiry disabled by default, which means it’s easier than ever to manage servers. You can also enable or disable key expiry on a device via the admin console and via API.

  • Use Caddy to manage Tailscale HTTPS certificates
    With the beta release of Caddy 2.5, Caddy automatically recognizes and uses certificates for your Tailscale network (*.ts.net), and can use Tailscale’s HTTPS certificate provisioning when spinning up a new service.

From the team

From the community

We’d love to hear your thoughts on Tailscale. Filling out this feedback form helps us build a better product for you: https://forms.gle/FA9UJwiTbdoRzKsK7

That’s all for now — stay well!

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