[Aug 6 Webinar] Scaling Tailscale programmatically with IaC
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September Tailscale newsletter

September 30 2021
Laura Franzese
Laura Franzese

A new month, a new set of updates! The team has been busy building new features, including HTTPS certificate support and GitHub Marketplace integration. We also launched free pricing for open source GitHub orgs. Community members shared CircleCI integrations, a custom DERP Docker image, and more. Let’s dive in!

Windows admins: to maintain connectivity, please upgrade to Tailscale 1.14.4 or later before updating Windows. Read how and why the upgrade is needed.

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From Tailscale

New features

Tailscale + Let’s Encrypt

Tailscale now makes HTTPS easily available for the machines in your Tailscale network, also known as a tailnet, with certificates provisioned from Let’s Encrypt. Connections were already encrypted by Tailscale, but this lets you get rid of the ugly “insecure” warning displayed by web browsers.

Tailscale + GitHub Actions

Our GitHub Action is now available in the marketplace! This means that with the Connect Tailscale action, you can easily pull ‘Connect Tailscale’ into whatever actions you write. Use this to securely deploy your application to internal servers, reach your private test runners for specific platforms, or connect to your database of test data without leaving it exposed on the Internet.

Tailscale 1.16 coming soon

We will be releasing Tailscale 1.16 in the coming week — look for Taildrop support on older versions of Android, among other fixes and general improvements.

👉 We’d love to hear your thoughts on Tailscale. Filling out this feedback form helps us build a better product for you.

That’s all for now — stay well!

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