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Tailscale at

AWS re:Invent

Book time with our team

Want to see Tailscale in action and get a special swag item for doing so? If you pre-book ahead of time, we will have some special swag waiting for you at the booth.

An image of the Tailscale location at re:Invent
An image with a clock logo on a pink background

We will have members of our executive team in Las Vegas, and they are eager to chat with our customers. Please fill out the form linked here to request a meeting with one of our executives and learn more about our long-term vision and strategy.

Where to find us

An image of our booth location at re:Invent

Stop by booth #218 in the AWS Marketplace Pavilion to learn how Tailscale can simplify your AWS networking. We will have live demos every 15 minutes, plenty of our engineers around to talk about your issues, and we are raffling off a pair of AirPods daily.

It's not quite hitting the links for 18, but following a busy day at re:Invent join Tailscale, Vanta, Cribl and Pulumi for an evening at Topgolf

Apres Kube Party Image Logo
Apres Kube Party Image Logo

Join Datadog, Coder, Gremlin, and Tailscale for cocktails and conversation at Matteo’s!