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Blog|October 03, 2023

Tailscale September Newsletter


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September Recap

Fall has arrived and we continue to be busy here at Tailscale. In September, we announced some new updates, including adding Apple TV to our list of supported devices that can run Tailscale. With Apple TV and Tailscale, you can set up a media drive available to other trusted people in your life or even securely route your other devices’ traffic through your Apple TV. We also partnered with Mullvad, opening up their global network of VPN servers as Tailscale exit nodes.

We’ve got more product updates as well as some community contributions to share this month. Let’s jump in:

Product updates from the team

September Recap

Tailscale in 60 seconds. Get just the essentials with a short recap video from our Developer Advocate, Alex.

Mullvad on Tailscale: Privately browse the web

Tailscale has collaborated with Mullvad to offer our customers access to Mullvad’s extensive network of VPN servers worldwide as Tailscale exit nodes. This means you can effortlessly surf the internet through any of Mullvad’s servers, all while ensuring the same high level of user privacy that Mullvad is known for.

Apple TV, now with more Tailscale

We’re broadening the range of devices capable of running Tailscale, extending secure remote networking capabilities to the Apple TV. We are one of the first to leverage new functionality available with tvOS 17, which now supports VPNs.You can now seamlessly integrate your Apple TV into your tailnet, enabling three exciting and potent new use cases that we are thrilled to unveil. Learn more.

2023 SOC 2 Type II re-assessment complete

Tailscale remains committed to data and information security. We are pleased to announce the successful completion of our 2023 SOC 2 Type II reassessment.  If you are curious about the process we went through to secure this assessment, check out our recent blog post. We share lessons learned and some advice for anyone out there who is as passionate as we are about security.  

Want to build something using these new releases? 

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News from the community

Building a secure webhook forwarder using an AWS Lambda extension and Tailscale
This AWS blog article showcases the use of Lambda extensions to enhance serverless architectures by creating a secure VPN tunnel with WireGuard and Tailscale. It enables event proxying to an isolated EC2 instance while maintaining operational efficiency through automated deployment.

Using Tailscale for Authentication of Internal Tools
In this article from Cloud66, they describe how they use Tailscale to authenticate their internal tools and servers. An approach they say is “simple and easy to implement”.

Mullvad and Tailscale join forces in the name of online security
Check out some of the coverage of the Mullvad and Tailscale partnership, including this Techradar article.

Tailscale IRL

You can combine seeing some beautiful fall foliage with some Tailscale time, as we are attending several events in the Northeast and Canada this fall. 

Where: Portland, Maine
When: October 5th & 6th

Where: Boston, Massachusetts
When: October 16th & 17th 

All Things Open
Where: Raleigh, North Carolina (and more specifically Booth 83)
When: October 16th & 17th 

Where: Toronto, Ontario (and more specifically Booth 434)
When:  October 25th & 26th

Where: Chicago, Illinois
When: November 6th through the 9th

Women of Silicon Roundtable
Where: London, England
When: November 22nd & 23rd
Maya Kaczorowski, Tailscale’s Head of Product, is speaking

What are our customers building

Finter is securing its IoT network via 4G connectivity and employing Tailscale to manage remote cameras within a hub-and-spoke network

Finter, a growing startup specializing in mobility, toll roads, and parking solutions, has employed Tailscale to secure its IoT network over 4G. This includes the management of remote cameras in a hub-and-spoke network. With 20 employees, Finter’s toll collection system currently shares traffic data and has plans to extend its services to parking systems in 2022.

Check out our other customer stories here.

🚀Are you building something cool or exciting using Tailscale? We love hearing about how our customers use Tailscale for their personal setups or at the workplace. We want to share these examples with the broader Tailscale community. If interested, fill out this form, and we will share your experience in an upcoming newsletter.



Luis DelValleLuis DelValle

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