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Blog|May 29, 2020

Meet Wendi, Zijie, and Dmytro


At the beginning of May we welcomed our first ever batch of interns to the Tailscale team! They’ve all been hard at work the past few weeks, and we want to formally introduce them.

Joining us from the University of Waterloo are Zijie, Wendi, and Dmytro:

Zijie Lu (@lzjluzijie) is a Mathematics student at Waterloo. Originally from Beijing, Zijie has experience writing Go, React, and Vue, and is most known for his websocks project, a secure WebSocket-based HTTP proxy. (As soon as we saw that project, we knew he’d be a great fit.)

Zijie has never used, let alone owned an Apple device, instead preferring to run a dual-boot Fedora / Windows machine. In his spare time, he plays DOTA2, and is currently ranked in the top 2000 players in the Americas!

This term, Zijie will improving our network admin console, to make managing devices and auth settings easier for teams.

Wendi Yu (@wendi-yu) is studying Software Engineering. She’s a member of Waterloo’s rocketry design team, building tools to model tank fill and P&ID systems for rocket launches. (Tailscale’s own rocketry fans are excited to have another member join.) And if that wasn’t enough, she’s also a sousaphonist for Waterloo’s concert band. As she puts it, “There’s something immensely liberating about being able to honk back at the geese who attack me when I walk through campus.”

Currently based in Edmonton, Wendi is working on real-time auditing and visualization of networks to help teams secure and monitor their devices.

Dmytro Shynkevych (@dshynkev) is pursuing his Computer Science degree, and has already completed internships at SideFX, Cognite, and Kik Interactive, working on machine learning and 3D rendering projects.

Originally from Ukraine, in his spare time, Dmytro pseudonymously translates online content, mostly songs:

Doing so well, which is to say, localizing instead of merely translating, and preserving the rhythm (if not the rhyme) of poems and songs is a fun challenge!

He’s also excited about cybersecurity, and regularly participates in CTF competitions on weekends. He’s particularly proud of his 2018 team’s work in the CSAW Quals: “we were motivated, efficient, and worked in perfect synchrony.”

While at Tailscale, Dmytro is developing our MagicDNS feature, letting teams access network devices with memorable names, in addition to Tailscale IP addresses.

We’re happy to have Wendi, Zijie, and Dmytro with us! You’ll likely see their contributions on our public repositories over the next few months.



Ross ZurowskiRoss Zurowski

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