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Blog|September 17, 2021

Free Tailscale Plan for Open Source GitHub Organizations

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Tailscale loves open source. We know that it can be tough to develop a project in the open, and collaborate with individuals and organizations around the world.

We’re excited to announce that Tailscale is free for GitHub organizations using Tailscale for open source projects. And given Tailscale is good at, well, making connections, friends and family who coordinate using GitHub organization accounts can also benefit from this free plan.

New Community on GitHub plan

If you have an open source project with an OSI license that uses a GitHub organization, Tailscale is free for your organization. (At this point in time, we’re only offering this for GitHub orgs due to how we manage users—but if you use another identity provider, please let us know.)

With the new Community on GitHub plan, you get:

  • Up to 25 users

  • 5 devices per user

  • 1 subnet router

  • 2 admin users

  • 2 unique users in ACL policy

  • Community support

We hope to be able to add more functionality over time as Tailscale continues to improve. Need more devices or having trouble with these restrictions? Let us know.

This plan is also available to families and friends. Connect to your dad’s photo server, provide feedback on your daughter-in-law’s new app, and check in on your neighbor’s shared driveway webcam.

Tailscale also offers a 50% discount off of list prices for charities, not-for-profit organizations, and educational institutions. Contact us to get this discount.

Personal will always be free

After we introduced new pricing last month, we heard you—you were afraid we would change our free Personal tier. That’s not at all the plan.

The Personal plan for using Tailscale for your personal use on your own devices, will always be free. We remember how hard it is to connect to our Pi-hole, or our Minecraft server, or our dogcam, and don’t wish that on anyone. It’s not going anywhere.

Get started with Community on GitHub

To upgrade your GitHub organization to the new free Community on GitHub plan, select the new plan in the Billing settings of the admin console. We’re proud to support open source.



Ross ZurowskiRoss Zurowski
Sonia AppasamySonia Appasamy
David Crawshaw headshotDavid Crawshaw
Brad FitzpatrickBrad Fitzpatrick

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