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Blog|companyAugust 05, 2024

August Tailscale newsletter


Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the complexity of computer networking? At Tailscale, we've always believed that some of that complexity is just complication: a distraction that is not essential to building great things. In a new post, adapted from an internal all-hands presentation, our CEO and co-founder presented a big-picture vision for a New Internet of small, trusted, and human-scale networks.

Zooming back in: This month's newsletter brings a bunch of recent product updates, notes from the community about how folks are using Tailscale, and some upcoming events where you can catch us online and IRL.

Product Updates

Community Highlights

Upcoming Events

  • Webinar: Scaling Tailscale programmatically with Infrastructure as Code
    August 6, 2024
    While Tailscale is simple to set up on individual machines, deploying it across hundreds or thousands of devices demands automation. This webinar explores efficient ways to provision Tailscale in cloud environments using infrastructure as code.
  • DevOpsDays Minneapolis
    August 6-7, 2024
    Tailscale is sponsoring DevOpsDays Minneapolis to support and network with the local software development / IT infrastructure operations tech community.
  • SE Office Hours
    August 14, 2024
    Join the Tailscale Solutions Engineer team for our interactive monthly office hours series. Our team will rotate through demos for new and existing features and answer common technical questions. We will gather questions ahead of time and take live questions from whoever attends, giving you access to Tailscale product experts.
  • DevOpsDays Birmingham
    August 19-21, 2024
    Tailscale is proud to sponsor DevOpsDays Birmingham to engage with and support the local software development and IT infrastructure operations community.
  • LeadDev NY
    September 4-5, 2024
    Tailscale is sponsoring LeadDev NY at the Javits Center to support their mission of furthering education and networking for technical engineering managers. Come by the Tailscale table to talk about easily and securely connecting to anything on the internet.

🚀Are you building something cool or exciting using Tailscale? We love hearing about how our customers use Tailscale for their personal setups or at the workplace. We want to share these examples with the broader Tailscale community. If interested, fill out this form, and we will share your experience in an upcoming newsletter.



Parker HigginsParker Higgins

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