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Blog|August 31, 2022

August Tailscale newsletter


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Summer has come to an end in the northern hemisphere, and as we sharpen our pencils and compare Lisa Frank Trapper Keepers, we have some exciting updates to share. The team worked alongside some wonderful partners to extend on-demand access to your Tailscale resources with OpalIndentSym, and ConductorOneBrad Fitzpatrick did some moonlighting on the 9to5 Apple @ Work podcast talking about Tailscale SSH. Microsoft’s Paul Yu detailed how to access your Linux machine on Azure with Tailscale SSH.

We also have lots of community contributions and Tailscale improvements to spotlight. Let’s jump in:

From the community

Want to be included in future Tailscale newsletters? Tag us in your rant, guides, or tutorials on Twitter.

From the team

What’s new and improved

You can now use Tailscale SSH to access tagged nodes that are shared with you.

On-demand access for your Tailscale resources with our new partners: Now you can limit access to the resources your team needs when they need them:

Tailscale learning library

We are building a learning library to help folks at any stage in their career. If you have a topic you’d like to see covered, send us a tweet @Tailscale.

That’s all for now. Stay well!



Laura FranzeseLaura Franzese

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