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February Tailscale newsletter

February 09 2021
Ross Zurowski
Ross Zurowski

A new month, a new set of updates! We’ve got new features to share, along with a slew of writing and podcasts about Tailscale. Let’s dive in!

Community Contributions

Tailscale on Tailscale

Our team has been active in writing and publishing about our own work this month. A few contributions of note:

New features

'Sharing over Tailscale' along with a preview of the Tailscale sharing dialog.


The feature we’re most excited to announce is our sharing public beta! With sharing, you can now invite users outside your network secure access to your devices. This is helpful for sharing home media servers with family, Minecraft servers with friends, or giving contractors temporary and controlled access to private servers. Read the announcement post for more details.

Tailscale v1.4

Our latest client version is out — upgrade your devices! This release reduces bandwidth, battery, and CPU usage in the background, and some initial steps at improving throughput.

Tailscale v1.4 now uses machine names in the UI (and in tailscale status), so MagicDNS users can see a device name and type directly into their browser or command line and have it “just work.” This pairs with our recent addition of the ability to rename devices in your Tailscale network to more easily manage your devices and DNS on Tailscale.

Learn how to update Tailscale, or read the full release notes on GitHub.

What’s on the roadmap?

Our focus for the next release is “exit nodes,” a commonly requested feature to opt-in to routing all non-Tailscale traffic through a particular device on your network. Tailscalar Dave Anderson shared a sneak peek tweet a few weeks back. More to share soon!

Happy networking!

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