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Modify billing

To pay for Tailscale, you need to select a pricing plan and checkout. Tailscale also has Personal pricing plans.

Selecting a plan

You need to be an Owner, Admin, or Billing admin to select a plan and checkout.

Use the steps in this section if you are changing your account from the Personal plan to a paid plan.

Not all plans are available for all domains and identity providers. For example, a personal tailnet using a public domain (for example, must use the Personal plan, while a commercial tailnet using custom domains (for example, that have not opted out of the trial cannot select the Personal plan. See our Pricing page that describes personal versus commercial use of Tailscale.

To select a plan:

  1. Open the Billing page of the admin console.
  2. The next button to click depends on what plan you are currently on:
    • If you are currently on the Personal plan, click Upgrade plan.
    • If you have reached the end of your trial, click Select plan.
    • If you are currently on any other plan, click Upgrade plan.
  3. Select the plan you wish to use and click Select plan.
  4. Fill in your Billing email and Billing address.
  5. Click Continue to payment details.
  6. Enter your credit card information in Payment method.
  7. Click Confirm upgrade.

Upgrading a plan

You need to be an Owner, Admin, or Billing admin to upgrade your plan.

Use the steps in this section if you are upgrading your current paid plan to a higher paid plan.

When you upgrade a plan:

  • You may lose access to features, depending on what plans you are changing between
  • The monthly user count will be calculated at the end of the month
  • You will be charged for a prorated fraction of the month on each plan

To upgrade your plan:

  1. Open the Billing page of the admin console.
  2. Click Upgrade plan.
  3. For the plan you wish to use, click Upgrade. Note that not all plans are available for all accounts.
  4. Verify your Billing email, Billing address, and Payment method. Edit these if necessary.
  5. Click Confirm upgrade.

Downgrading a plan

You need to be an Owner, Admin, or Billing admin to downgrade your plan.

Use the step in this section if you are downgrading your paid plan to another plan. This includes downgrading to the Personal plan.

To downgrade to the Personal plan, your tailnet cannot exceed three users. If your tailnet has more than three users, you will need to remove users before downgrading. The Personal plan is not intended for commercial use.

When you downgrade a plan:

  • You may lose access to features, depending on what plans you are changing between
  • The monthly user count will be calculated at the end of the month
  • You will be charged for a prorated fraction of the month on each plan

To downgrade your plan:

  1. Open the Billing page of the admin console.
  2. Click Switch plan.
  3. For the plan you wish to use, click Downgrade. Note that not all plans are available for all accounts.
  4. If you are downgrading to another paid plan, verify your Billing email, Billing address, and Payment method. Edit these if necessary.
  5. Click Confirm downgrade.

If you do not see the option to downgrade a tailnet to the Personal plan, the likeliest reason is that the tailnet is considered commercial and is currently on a paid plan.

Migrating from a legacy plan

If you are using a legacy plan (Personal, Team, Business, Solo, Connectivity, or Security), you can migrate to a current plan (that is, a plan that was introduced in April 2023).

When you migrate from a legacy plan:

  • You may lose access to features, depending on what plans you are changing between
  • The legacy plan will immediately be canceled, and any credit added to your account
  • You will start the new plan. At the end of the month, you will pay a prorated amount for the current month.
  • You will be charged as normal the following month

To migrate your plan, follow the instructions for upgrading a plan.

Updating a legacy plan

If you are using a legacy plan (legacy Personal, Team, Business, Solo, Connectivity, or Security), you can stay on your current plan, or you can choose to upgrade your plan to a newer one. New plans can use all the new features and will continue to be supported.

You need to be an Owner, Admin, or Billing admin to update your plan.

To update your plan:

  1. Open the Billing page of the admin console.
  2. Click Edit current plan.
  3. Select the plan you wish to use and click Select plan. Note that not all plans are available for all accounts.
  4. Edit the number of users in your plan, and add any desired add-ons.
  5. Click Update plan.
  6. Verify your Billing email, Billing address, and Payment method. Edit these if necessary.
  7. Click Confirm upgrade.

Community on GitHub plan

You cannot use the Billing page of the Tailscale admin console to sign up for the Community on GitHub plan. To find out the requirements for this plan, and learn how to sign up, see Community on GitHub.

Download invoices

Downloading invoices is currently in beta.

You can download PDFs of invoices from the last 12 months for your Tailscale account.

  1. Open the Billing page of the admin console.
  2. In the Past invoices section, locate the invoice you want to view, and click the download icon for the invoice.

For credit-based contracts, this section will only display invoices where an amount is paid or due.

Modify billing information

If you're on a paid plan, you may need your billing to reflect specific information about your organization.

You need to be an Owner, Admin, or Billing admin to modify billing information.

Payment method

To modify payment settings:

  1. Open the Billing page of the admin console.
  2. In the Payment method section, click Edit.
  3. Modify your payment settings and then click Save card.

Invoice details

Modifying invoice details is available for the Starter, Premium, and Enterprise plans, and legacy paid plans.

If you are on a different plan and want to change your invoice details, contact support.

Paying by invoice is available for the Enterprise plan.

Billing email

For organizations that pay by invoice, the billing email is for the recipient that receives the invoice emails. For organizations that pay by credit card subscription, the billing email is the email address provided at the time the credit card was submitted.

If you want to change the billing email which receives invoices:

  1. Open the Billing page of the admin console.
  2. In the Invoice details section, to the right of Billing email, click Edit.
  3. Provide a new value for the billing email address, and then click Save.

Note the following:

  • You can add or modify only one email. To use more than one billing email, contact support.
  • You can use an email for an individual that isn't a member of your tailnet. For example, you can add (an accounts payable email).
  • The billing email address doesn't change who can modify billing information. Only Admins or whoever set up billing can modify billing information.

If you are paying by credit card subscription and want to change the billing email, update the email for the credit card in the Payment method section.

Name and address

  1. Open the Billing page of the admin console.
  2. In the Invoice details section, to the right of Name and address, click Add if no name and address has been set, or click Edit if values already exist.
  3. Provide values for your business or individual name and address, and then click Save.

Once you add or modify invoice details, they will be displayed on future invoices. Additions or changes to customer details are not applied to existing invoices.

Tax IDs

To add a tax identification number:

  1. Open the Billing page of the admin console.
  2. In the Tax IDs section, click Add.
  3. Click Select ID type, and choose the country and type of tax ID you would like to add. You can also search for the ID, by country or ID.
  4. Enter the ID and click Save.

Once you add a tax ID, it will be displayed on future invoices. Additions of tax IDs are not applied to existing invoices.

Note that you can have at most 5 tax identification numbers.

To delete a tax identification number that you previously set up:

  1. Open the Billing page of the admin console.
  2. In the Tax IDs section, select the tax ID that you want to delete, and click Delete.
  3. Click Delete.

Sales tax

Tailscale collects applicable US and Canadian taxes on each invoice if your billing address is in a jurisdiction that requires Tailscale to collect sales tax. This specifically applies to our paid plans and paid add-ons, such as Mullvad exit nodes, and is calculated based on tax ID and billing address.

Sales tax does not apply to organizations that have recorded their tax-exempt status with Tailscale. If your organization is tax-exempt or qualifies for an exemption, contact support to send your information and a copy of your valid tax exemption certificate.

US sales tax

Sales tax applies only to users whose billing address is in a US jurisdiction where taxes are applicable. Taxation for US-billed customers came into effect as of March 27, 2023. Invoices prior to March 27, 2023, were not affected.

Canadian sales tax

Sales tax applies only to users whose billing address is in a Canadian jurisdiction where GST/HST is applicable. Taxation for Canadian-billed customers came into effect as of February 2024.

Requesting invoices

Contact support to request a current or historical invoice.